2013-03-28 136 views

我認爲標題不言自明。 我需要在圓柱體的中心建立具有相機視圖的html5帆布柱面。 在缸壁上,我需要建立一些像圖片,圓柱體旋轉和放大。在圓柱體內用相機視圖繪製html5畫布圓柱體


爲了幫助你理解我的描述我都貼出了圖像 http://s21.postimg.org/fpnmukbef/inside_cilindre.jpg


「不言自明」!不是我。 –


讓你的編輯感覺:) – r043v





function getStretch(x,maxx) 
{ /* here i choice : 
    f(x) = (x*x)+3 for top 
    f(x) = -(x*x)+1 for bottom 
    when y >= 0 and y <= 4 
    x >= -1 and x <= +1 

    // convert x ~ maxx to -1 ~ 1 
    var ratio = 2/maxx; // -1 to 1 === 2 
    x = x * ratio; 
    x -= 1; // switch from 0 ~ 2 to -1 ~ 1 

    var sizeY = 4; 
    var y = -(x*x)+1; // bottom get y >= 0 and y <= 1 result, easier to compute 
    y *= 2; // double to add up and bottom 
    var colonHeight = sizeY - y; 
    var colonRatio = colonHeight/sizeY; 
    return colonRatio; // return the height ratio for this colon 


var view_start_x = 200; // current view start at 200px from left source image 
var view_size_x = 399; // current view work on 400 px width 

// get our stretch ratio for each colon 
var stretch_values = []; 
for(var x=0;x<=view_size_x;x++) stretch_values[x] = getStretch(x,view_size_x); 

// now we need a function to get the colon height and position 

var colonHeight = 400; // height of source image, and max height of out 

function getColonInfo(x) 
{ if(x < 0 || x > view_size_x) return {h:42,y:0}; 
    // compute current colon height 
    var ratio = stretch_values[x]; 
    var height = parseInt(colonHeight * ratio ,10); 
    var posY = parseInt((colonHeight - height)/2 ,10); 
    return {h:height,y:posY}; 

// save this info for each out colon 
var colon_info = []; 
for(var x=0;x<=view_size_x;x++) colon_info[x] = getColonInfo(x); 

// now a function to render a colon with a zoom 

function renderColon(x,sourceX) 
{ var info = colon_info[x]; 
    var originalHeight = colonHeight; 
    var height = info.h; 
    var y = info.y; 
    // now do your reduce/blit magic here 
    // render at "x","y" a colon with height of "height" 
    // from source colon "sourceX" who get height of "originalHeight" 


// and a function to iterate each colon and do the magic 

function my2dTo3d() 
    for(x=0; x<=view_size_x; x++) 
    { var offset = x + view_start_x; 



這是WAAAAAY酷!你會考慮花時間來做一個JavaScript演示,或者可能指向將映像映射到圓柱拋物線的方向...... – markE


謝謝......這是一個開始,我將從這裏開始......至少我知道從哪裏開始 – Ancyent


好吧,檢查世界上最慢的真棒,在創造性的普通3.0下by-nc-sa http://jsfiddle.net/L9YgL/16/ – r043v