2015-06-16 90 views


SqlCmd command... 

REM if SqlCmd command is successful run the below if exist statement 
if errorlevel 0 (

REM if the file exists then delete and exit: 
    if exist D:\Temp\database.bak(
     del "D:\Temp\database.bak" 
     exit /B 
REM if the file doesn't exist, exit with error code 1: 
      echo The file does not exist 
      exit /B 1 

REM if SqlCmd is not successful, exit: 
if errorlevel 1 exit /B %errorlevel% 



括號需要一個空間: 「d:\ TEMP \ database.bak(」 及其他子句必須和括號在同一行:「)else(」。 –


'如果errorlevel 0'意味着:「如果errorlevel大於或等於0」,即所有的值!用法:'if if not errorlevel 1 ',即:「如果錯誤級別小於1」 – Aacini




REM if SqlCmd command is successful run the below if exist statement 
if "%ERRORLEVEL%"=="0" (

REM if the file exists then delete and exit: 
    if exist "D:\Temp\database.bak" (
     del "D:\Temp\database.bak" 
     exit /B 
    ) else (
REM if the file doesn't exist, exit with error code 1:  
     echo The file does not exist 
     exit /B 1 

REM if SqlCmd is not successful, exit: 
if "%ERRORLEVEL%"=="1" exit /B %ERRORLEVEL% 


REM if SqlCmd command is successful run the below if exist statement 
if NOT "%ERRORLEVEL%"=="0" GOTO next 

REM if the file exists then delete and exit: 
    if exist "D:\Temp\database.bak" (
     del "D:\Temp\database.bak" 
     exit /B 
    ) else (
REM if the file doesn't exist, exit with error code 1:  
     echo The file does not exist 
     exit /B 1 

REM if SqlCmd is not successful, exit: 
if "%ERRORLEVEL%"=="1" exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%