"requirements": {
"-FileName": "sample.xls",
"requirement": [
"desc": "Employee status will be classified as:
• Assigned $ when employee is working on a project.
• Reserved when employee is scheduled to work on a project in near future. Unassigned when employee is not working on project.",
"Id": "Req40"
"Id": "NFR-2",
"desc": "Team Leader should create resource allocation $% request in Maintain Project Module. Resource allocation request [email protected] associated with only one role. Project [email protected] Manager should provide roll-on date and roll-off date in resource allocation request."
"Id": "req2",
"desc": "PRMS must always be available except during the & @ scheduled maintenance. Scheduled maintenance must always be at 8PM on week days.",
"message": "message of Req3"
我嘗試下面的代碼: -
var obj = Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JToken.Parse(strInput);
return true;
return false;
catch (JsonReaderException jex)
Logger.GetInstance().LogException(jex, jex.StackTrace, Category.General);
return false;
但這個代碼提供的obj [ 「ID」]爲空,即使ID出現在JSON。
嗯,是的,你的JSON不包含頂級'Id'屬性 - 它包含了'requirements'要求的屬性,然後有一個'requirement'屬性這是其他對象的數組,每個對象都有一個'Id'屬性。 –