2015-05-12 54 views

我從VS 2013 PRO的擴展和更新菜單中安裝了Entity Framework電動工具。 我重新啓動了我的電腦,並用C#項目打開了我的解決方案。 現在應該有一個與Entity Framework的菜單項,當右鍵單擊我的C#項目,但沒有。在VS 2013中無法使用的EF電動工具



12.05.2015 13:26:37 - Microsoft VSIX Installer 
12.05.2015 13:26:37 - ------------------------------------------- 
12.05.2015 13:26:37 - Initializing Install... 
12.05.2015 13:26:38 - Extension Details... 
12.05.2015 13:26:38 - Identifier  : 2b119c79-9836-46e2-b5ed-eb766cebbf7c 
12.05.2015 13:26:38 - Name   : Entity Framework Power Tools Beta 4 
12.05.2015 13:26:38 - Author   : Microsoft 
12.05.2015 13:26:38 - Version   : 
12.05.2015 13:26:38 - Description  : Preview of useful design-time features for DbContext. 

When right-clicking on a C# project, the following context menu function is supported: 
1) Reverse Engineer Code First - Generates POCO classes, derived DbContext and Code First mapping for an existing database. 

When right-clicking on a file containing a derived DbContext class, the following context menu functions are supported: 

1) View Entity Data Model XML - Displays the EDMX XML representing the underlying Code First model. 
2) View Entity Data Model DDL SQL - Displays the DDL SQL corresponding to the SSDL in the underlying EDM Model. 
3) Generate Views - Generates pre-compiled views used by the EF runtime to improve start-up performance. Adds the generated views file to the containing project. 
12.05.2015 13:26:38 - Locale   : en-US 
12.05.2015 13:26:38 - MoreInfoURL  : http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=327691 
12.05.2015 13:26:38 - InstalledByMSI : False 
12.05.2015 13:26:38 - SupportedFrameworkVersionRange : [4.0] 
12.05.2015 13:26:38 - 
12.05.2015 13:26:38 - Supported Products : 
12.05.2015 13:26:38 -  Microsoft.VisualStudio.Pro 
12.05.2015 13:26:38 -   Version : [10.0] 
12.05.2015 13:26:38 -  Microsoft.VisualStudio.Pro 
12.05.2015 13:26:38 -   Version : [11.0] 
12.05.2015 13:26:38 -  Microsoft.VisualStudio.Pro 
12.05.2015 13:26:38 -   Version : [12.0] 
12.05.2015 13:26:38 - 
12.05.2015 13:26:38 - References  : 
12.05.2015 13:26:38 -  ------------------------------------------------------- 
12.05.2015 13:26:38 -  Identifier : Microsoft.VisualStudio.MPF 
12.05.2015 13:26:38 -  Name   : Visual Studio MPF 
12.05.2015 13:26:38 -  Version  : [10.0,) 
12.05.2015 13:26:38 -  MoreInfoURL : 
12.05.2015 13:26:38 -  Nested  : No 
12.05.2015 13:26:38 - 
12.05.2015 13:26:38 - 
12.05.2015 13:26:38 - Searching for applicable products... 
12.05.2015 13:26:38 - Found installed product - Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Professional 
12.05.2015 13:26:38 - An extension with a matching Identifier is already installed to this product. 
12.05.2015 13:26:38 - Found installed product - Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2013 
12.05.2015 13:26:42 - The extension with ID '2b119c79-9836-46e2-b5ed-eb766cebbf7c' is not installed to Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2013. 
12.05.2015 13:26:42 - Found installed product - Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 Shell (Integrated) 
12.05.2015 13:26:42 - Found installed product - Global Location 
12.05.2015 13:26:42 - Found installed product - ssms 
12.05.2015 13:26:44 - The following target products have been selected... 
12.05.2015 13:26:44 - Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2013 
12.05.2015 13:26:44 - 
12.05.2015 13:26:44 - Beginning to install extension to Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2013... 
12.05.2015 13:26:44 - Install to Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2013 completed successfully. The extension has been installed to C:\USERS\USER\APPDATA\LOCAL\MICROSOFT\VISUALSTUDIO\12.0\EXTENSIONS\M2DVCZNM.VZR\ 

我的問題是如何讓我的機器上的實體框架電動工具Beta 4的工作?



我找到了解決方案。 在Visual Studio上進行我的Postsharp安裝時出現問題。安裝更新後,出現了Entity Framework菜單。 因此,請確保您的所有visual studio擴展工作正確。
