$(document).ready(function() { /* ------------ FORM #STORY1 ------------ */ $('#class').focus(function(){ $('#alum').attr('checked',true); }); $('#college').focus(function(){ $('#transfer').attr('checked',true); }); /* The validation script */ $("#story1").submit(function(){ return false; }); // Turn our validator into a function var story1Validate = function(form){ $(form).find('div#err_msg').hide(); $(form).find('#submitBtn').removeAttr('disabled'); $(form).validate({ debug:false, submitHandler: function(form) { $('#submitBtn').attr('disabled','disabled'); $('#submitBtn').hide(); $('#process').show(); $('#recaptcha_widget_div').hide(); form.submit(); }, errorContainer: $(form).find('div#err_msg'), errorPlacement: function(error, element) { $(form).find('div#err_msg').show(); error.appendTo(form+' div#err_msg'); }, rules: { type: "required", class: { required: "#alum:checked" }, college: { required: "#transfer:checked" } },//rules messages: { type: "Please make a selection.", class: { required:"You indicated that you're an alum. Please enter the year you graduated." }, college: { required:"You indicated that you're a transfer student. Please enter the name of the school to which you transferred." } }//messages });//form validate }//customValidation function // Attach our custom form function to the form story1Validate("#story1"); });
<form id="story1" name="story1" method="post" action="your-story/index.php" class="form-intro">
<h3>I am a...</h3>
<input name="type" type="radio" class="input-radio" id="alum" value="alum" /> <label for="alum">Alum, class of</label><br />
<input name="class" type="text" class="input-txt" id="class" value="" />
<input name="type" type="radio" class="input-radio" id="transfer" value="transfer" /> <label for="transfer">Transfer student to</label><br />
<input name="college" type="text" class="input-txt" id="college" value="" />
<input name="type" type="radio" class="input-radio" id="student" value="student" /> <label for="student">Current student</label>
<input name="type" type="radio" class="input-radio" id="staff" value="staff" /> <label for="staff">Professor or staff member</label>
<input name="type" type="radio" class="input-radio" id="" value="other" /> <label for="other">None of the above</label>
<div id="err_msg">
<footer class="form-nav">
<input name="submitBtn" type="submit" class="input-btn" id="submitBtn" value="Next >" />
你有沒有在JS控制檯中的錯誤? –
不,只是「沒有選擇,無法驗證,沒有返回」警報。將驗證設置爲調試不會更改控制檯輸出。 – elainevdw