2016-06-08 71 views

我試圖檢查單向鏈表是否是迴文。約束是 - 算法必須處於線性時間和恆定空間。檢查一個單向鏈表是否是迴文或不在C

我使用的基本算法如下 -

  1. 使用快速&慢指針列表分爲兩半。
  2. 反轉下半部分。
  3. 比較第一和第二半。
  4. 構建回原始列表
  5. 返回結果。


* @brief Checks if a list is a palindrome or not 
bool is_palindrome(node *head) 
    node *first;    /* Points to head node of 1st half */ 
    node *second;    /* Points to head node of 2nd half */ 
    node *f_ptr = head;   /* Fast pointer */ 
    node *s_ptr = head;   /* Slow pointer */ 
    node *prev = NULL;   /* Previous to slow pointer */ 
    bool ret = false;   /* Return value */ 

    while (f_ptr && f_ptr->next && f_ptr->next->next) 
     prev = s_ptr; 
     s_ptr = s_ptr->next; 
     f_ptr = f_ptr->next->next; 

    /* List with even number of elements */ 
    if (!(f_ptr->next->next)) 
     first = head; 
     second = s_ptr->next; 
     s_ptr->next = NULL; 
     /* Reverse the second half */ 
     second = reverse_list(&second); 
     /* Compare the first & second half */ 
     ret = are_identical(first, second); 
     /* Finally, construct the original list back */ 
     second = reverse_list(&second); 
     s_ptr->next = second; 
    /* List with odd number of elements */ 
    if (!(f_ptr->next)) 
     first = head; 
     second = s_ptr->next; 
     prev->next = NULL; 
     s_ptr->next = NULL; 
     /* Reverse the second half */ 
     second = reverse_list(&second); 
     /* Compare the first & second half */ 
     ret = are_identical(first, second); 
     /* Finally, construct the original list back */ 
     second = reverse_list(&second); 
     prev->next = s_ptr; s_ptr->next = second; 
    return ret; 



我認爲你需要重新修復你對下半部分第一個節點的搜索。它需要直接指向中間節點(即使是情況)或'N div 2 + 1'節點(奇數情況)。然後你只需旋轉一半並遍歷它。恕我直言,你不需要任何特殊的處理奇數的情況下,因爲沒有規則爲這個特定的節點設置。 – HighPredator


你可以使用這個解決方案:http://www.geeksforgeeks.org/function-to-check-if-a-singly-linked-list-is-palindrome/ – reshad


當你說你的實現「如果失敗if元素的數量是奇數「?發生什麼事?程序崩潰?不正確的結果? – s7amuser




* @brief Checks if a list is a palindrome or not 
bool is_palindrome(node *head) 
    node *first;    /* Points to head node of 1st half */ 
    node *second;    /* Points to head node of 2nd half */ 
    node *f_ptr = head;   /* Fast pointer */ 
    node *s_ptr = head;   /* Slow pointer */ 
    node *prev = NULL;   /* Previous to slow pointer */ 
    bool ret = false;   /* Return value */ 

    while (f_ptr && f_ptr->next && f_ptr->next->next) 
     prev = s_ptr; 
     s_ptr = s_ptr->next; 
     f_ptr = f_ptr->next->next; 

    /* List with odd number of elements */ 
    if (!(f_ptr->next)) 
     first = head; 
     second = s_ptr->next; 
     prev->next = NULL; 
     s_ptr->next = NULL; 
     /* Reverse the second half */ 
     second = reverse_list(&second); 
     /* Compare the first & second half */ 
     ret = are_identical(first, second); 
     /* Finally, construct the original list back */ 
     second = reverse_list(&second); 
     prev->next = s_ptr; s_ptr->next = second; 
    /* List with even number of elements */ 
    else if (!(f_ptr->next->next)) 
     first = head; 
     second = s_ptr->next; 
     s_ptr->next = NULL; 
     /* Reverse the second half */ 
     second = reverse_list(&second); 
     /* Compare the first & second half */ 
     ret = are_identical(first, second); 
     /* Finally, construct the original list back */ 
     second = reverse_list(&second); 
     s_ptr->next = second; 
    return ret; 