2017-09-15 37 views

在點擊事件變化,每列的背景顏色和它的作品。但是,我想要具有不同的(僅不透明)html身體背景顏色。現在它爲body.background(最後一行)提供與其他列相同的顏色。相反,我希望身體具有相同的顏色,但0.5不透明度,因此頂部具有不透明度1的元素會很好地突出。Javascript onclick,如何對某些元素使用不同的alpha?

function BackgroundColorChange(){ 
     // the main opacity level 
     var a = 1; 
     // some colors chosen for DOM elements backgrounds 
     var blue = 'rgba(51, 102, 153,'+a+')'; 
     var grey = 'rgba(66, 82, 102,'+a+')'; 
     var darkgreen = 'rgba(25, 102, 102,'+a+')'; 
     var lightgreen = 'rgba(62, 116, 89,'+a+')'; 
     var brown = 'rgba(96, 86, 57,'+a+')'; 
     var purple = 'rgba(66, 36, 51,'+a+')'; 

     var colorSelection = [blue, grey, darkgreen, lightgreen, brown, purple]; 

     // pick the random color for background as the event is clicked 
     var color = colorSelection[Math.floor(Math.random() * colorSelection.length)]; 

     // the elements i want to have 'opacity = 1' are selected here 
     var subsection = document.querySelectorAll(".childElement-column-photo, .childElement-sub-section, .sub-section, .modal-header, .modal-footer"); 

       for (var i = 0; i < subsection.length; i++) { 
         subsection[i].style.backgroundColor = color; 

     a = 0.5; //? ? ? ? ? 

     // I want this body element to have the same color but with 0.5 opacity 
     document.body.style.backgroundColor = color; 


HTML: 這是我的HTML主要是如何標記。

<a onclick="BackgroundColorChange();" href="#">ChangeColor</a> 

    <body onload="setInterval(BackgroundColorChange(), 50000)"> 

    // there are many elements with this class name 
    <div class="childElement-column-photo"> 

可以置HTML的一點點請,只是想看看它是如何相互作用的。 – bhansa


你的'setInterval'調用實際上不起作用;你沒有傳遞任何東西。 – SLaks





function buildRgbaCSSProperty(color, alpha) { 
    return 'rgba(' + color[0] + ', ' + color[1] + ', ' + color[2] + ', '+ alpha + ')'; 

function BackgroundColorChange(){ 
      // the main opacity level 
     var a = 1; 
     // some colors chosen for DOM elements backgrounds 
     var blue = [51, 102, 153]; 
     var grey = [66, 82, 102]; 
     var darkgreen = [25, 102, 102]; 
     var lightgreen = [62, 116, 89]; 
     var brown = [96, 86, 57]; 
     var purple = [66, 36, 51]; 

     var colorSelection = [blue, grey, darkgreen, lightgreen, brown, purple]; 

     // pick the random color for background as the event is clicked 
     var color = colorSelection[Math.floor(Math.random() * colorSelection.length)]; 

     // the elements i want to have 'opacity = 1' are selected here 
     var subsection = document.querySelectorAll(".childElement-column-photo, .childElement-sub-section, .sub-section, .modal-header, .modal-footer"); 

       for (var i = 0; i < subsection.length; i++) { 
         subsection[i].style.backgroundColor = buildRgbaCSSProperty(color, a); 

     a = 0.5; //? ? ? ? ? 

     // I want this body element to have the same color but with 0.5 opacity 
     document.body.style.backgroundColor = buildRgbaCSSProperty(color, a); 

即使這是工作,我不明白這一行。 'return'rgba('+ color [0] +','+ color [1] +','+ color [2] +','+ alpha +')';' 從代碼我看它採取 'RGBA(' +藍+ ' '+灰色+', '+深綠+',' +阿爾法+ ')'; 沒有考慮顏色陣列,是不是應該將它們混合?它如何產生我想要的顏色? –


你的顏色是一個有3個索引的數組。例如,我們採取藍色。你的'顏色[0]'是51,'顏色[1]'是102和'顏色[2]'是153從代碼的輸出是在末端:'RGBA(51,102,153,'+阿爾法+');'這和你的變量是一樣的字符串:) – Sysix


通過您正試圖設置a = 0.5你已經取得的顏色變量的時候,它們包含一個字符串,而不是到a變量的引用,所以他們不會改變。


var blue = '51, 102, 153,'; 


'rgba(' + color + a +')'



function BackgroundColorChange(){ 
     // the main opacity level 
     var a = 1; 
     // some colors chosen for DOM elements backgrounds 
     var blue = 'rgba(51, 102, 153,'+a+')'; 
     var grey = 'rgba(66, 82, 102,'+a+')'; 
     var darkgreen = 'rgba(25, 102, 102,'+a+')'; 
     var lightgreen = 'rgba(62, 116, 89,'+a+')'; 
     var brown = 'rgba(96, 86, 57,'+a+')'; 
     var purple = 'rgba(66, 36, 51,'+a+')'; 

     var colorSelection = [blue, grey, darkgreen, lightgreen, brown, purple]; 

     // pick the random color for background as the event is clicked 
     var color = colorSelection[Math.floor(Math.random() * colorSelection.length)]; 

     // the elements i want to have 'opacity = 1' are selected here 
     var subsection = document.querySelectorAll(".childElement-column-photo, .childElement-sub-section, .sub-section, .modal-header, .modal-footer"); 

       for (var i = 0; i < subsection.length; i++) { 
         subsection[i].style.backgroundColor = color; 

     // Split the rgba string into an array separated at the commas 
     var alpha = color.split(","); 
     // Change the last value to desired (the close parenthesis is needed) 
     alpha[3] = ".5)"; 
     // put elements back into a string 
     color = alpha.join(','); 
     // Test 

     // I want this body element to have the same color but with 0.5 opacity 
     document.body.style.backgroundColor = color; 

