2014-07-08 34 views

腳本我做了一個連接與UFT 11.5至ALM,當我從UFT 11.5運行我的腳本其工作完全正常,但我面對的問題,當同一腳本正在運行來自ALM測試實驗室。我不知道發生了什麼。獲得「未指定的錯誤」,而從運行ALM 11.5


腳本從ALM運行QTP 11.0,但只給指定的錯誤的UFT 11.5和我還啓用了選項「允許其他HP產品的運行測試和組件」


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OK: 07/09/14 , 11:46:47:141 : 
FinalConstruct CAqtRemoteAgent has been created. CurrentRAObjectIndex = 3 File Line=43 ThreadId=3232
OK: 07/09/14 , 11:46:47:183 : CAqtRemoteAgent::host_lock - m_CurrentRAObjectIndex - 3 File Line=206 ThreadId=3232
OK: 07/09/14 , 11:46:47:183 :
Construct CRemoteAgentThread has been created File Line=37 ThreadId=3232
OK: 07/09/14 , 11:46:47:201 : SetMaxNoCommunicationDuration(120000) File Line=107 ThreadId=3232
OK: 07/09/14 , 11:46:47:201 : host_lock Start File Line=907 ThreadId=3232
OK: 07/09/14 , 11:46:47:226 : Lock Start File Line=34 ThreadId=3232
OK: 07/09/14 , 11:46:47:228 : Refresh File Line=98 ThreadId=3232
OK: 07/09/14 , 11:46:47:229 : Lock accept for '\\velomp2a\QCSHARE\repository\qc\CORPORATE_7\CORPORATE_SYSTEMS\tests\70845\67109-07-2014-11-46-46-830' File Line=47 ThreadId=3232
OK: 07/09/14 , 11:46:47:229 : host_lock End (identifier = '\\velomp2a\QCSHARE\repository\qc\CORPORATE_7\CORPORATE_SYSTEMS\tests\70845\67109-07-2014-11-46-46-830', fRC = 1) File Line=920 ThreadId=3232
OK: 07/09/14 , 11:46:47:229 : CAutoClose::Stop - Timer has stopped File Line=92 ThreadId=3232
OK: 07/09/14 , 11:46:47:230 : CAqtRemoteAgent::get_value - m_CurrentRAObjectIndex - 3 File Line=181 ThreadId=3232
OK: 07/09/14 , 11:46:47:235 : CRemoteAgentThread::get_value - external get_value
value = YES
File Line=561 ThreadId=3232
OK: 07/09/14 , 11:46:47:297 : CAqtRemoteAgent::get_value - parameter = SUPPORT_TEST_CONFIG File Line=184 ThreadId=3232
OK: 07/09/14 , 11:46:47:298 : CAqtRemoteAgent::is_host_ready, CurrentRAObjectIndex = 3 File Line=66 ThreadId=3232
OK: 07/09/14 , 11:46:47:298 : CRemoteAgentThread::CreateRunningThread() init File Line=1167 ThreadId=3232
OK: 07/09/14 , 11:46:47:298 : Start CreateQTAutomation File Line=51 ThreadId=1456
OK: 07/09/14 , 11:47:8:783 : Start InitTDPierInTulip File Line=1952 ThreadId=1456
Error: 07/09/14 , 11:47:8:811 : InitTDPierInTulip : pTDPier is null File Line=1967 ThreadId=1456
Error: 07/09/14 , 11:47:8:811 : failed to get pier in QTP File Line=68 ThreadId=1456
Error: 07/09/14 , 11:47:8:811 : Create Automation in QuickTest failed. return value = -2147467259 File Line=670 ThreadId=1456
OK: 07/09/14 , 11:47:8:812 : CRemoteAgentThread::TerminateRunningThread - Destroying running thread bTryToPostQuitMsg =1. File Line=1075 ThreadId=3232
Error: 07/09/14 , 11:47:8:812 : CRemoteAgentThread::is_host_ready - Failed to create running thread! ret = -2147467259 File Line=502 ThreadId=3232
OK: 07/09/14 , 11:47:8:812 : CAqtRemoteAgent::is_host_ready,, value = 0 File Line=69 ThreadId=3232
OK: 07/09/14 , 11:47:8:813 : CAqtRemoteAgent::get_value - m_CurrentRAObjectIndex - 3 File Line=181 ThreadId=3232
OK: 07/09/14 , 11:47:8:814 : CAqtRemoteAgent::get_value - parameter = Test_set_end_supported File Line=184 ThreadId=3232
OK: 07/09/14 , 11:47:8:814 : CAqtRemoteAgent::host_unlock - m_CurrentRAObjectIndex - 3 File Line=219 ThreadId=3232
OK: 07/09/14 , 11:47:8:814 : host_unlock Start File Line=932 ThreadId=3232
OK: 07/09/14 , 11:47:8:815 : Unlock Start File Line=73 ThreadId=3232
OK: 07/09/14 , 11:47:8:815 : Unlock End for '\\velomp2a\QCSHARE\repository\qc\CORPORATE_7\CORPORATE_SYSTEMS\tests\70845\67109-07-2014-11-46-46-830' File Line=89 ThreadId=3232
OK: 07/09/14 , 11:47:8:815 : host_unlock End (identifier = '\\velomp2a\QCSHARE\repository\qc\CORPORATE_7\CORPORATE_SYSTEMS\tests\70845\67109-07-2014-11-46-46-830', fRC = 1) File Line=943 ThreadId=3232
OK: 07/09/14 , 11:47:8:815 : CAutoClose::Start - Started a new timer File Line=67 ThreadId=3232
OK: 07/09/14 , 11:47:8:815 : CAutoClose::Start, AutoClose Timer Identifier is = 9722 File Line=70 ThreadId=3232
OK: 07/09/14 , 11:47:10:815 : CAqtRemoteAgent::SetIsInUse - m_CurrentRAObjectIndex - 3 File Line=166 ThreadId=3232
OK: 07/09/14 , 11:47:10:815 : FinalRelease CAqtRemoteAgent has been destroyed. CurrentRAObjectIndex = 3 File Line=60 ThreadId=3232
OK: 07/09/14 , 11:47:10:816 : CRemoteAgentThread::TerminateRunningThread - Destroying running thread bTryToPostQuitMsg =1. File Line=1075 ThreadId=3232
OK: 07/09/14 , 11:47:10:818 : CRemoteAgentThread has been destroyed. File Line=47 ThreadId=3232

我看你已經啓用了日誌。日誌說什麼? – HgCoder


我已經添加了日誌以及問題..請看看,如果你得到它。 – Paras






另外值得一提的是,UFT 11.50是在最初的版本非常錯誤並獲得關鍵補丁的不少。我會安裝所有可用的修補程序,我相信這會將您帶到UFT 11.53。您可以從HP支持網站訪問軟件修補程序。



您必須允許ALM遠程使用HP QTP/UFT。
工具 - >選項 - >運行 - >「允許其他HP產品運行測試和組件」
(在QTP 11中,路徑如下所示)。




嗨Artur,我已經檢查過這個選項..我在我的問題中也提到過它! :( – Paras


Sooo我記得,我有類似的問題,我也安裝了2個補丁以集成ALM和qtp。 嘗試從鏈接 加載項https://hpln.hp.com/page/統一功能測試加 –



  1. 禁用UAC或解決它帶到低水平
  2. 卸載QTP,刪除QC安裝文件夾
  3. 重新安裝qtp with alm加入
  4. 安裝qc
  5. 在我的電腦屬性中,請確保所有用戶都有權訪問所有項目
  6. 問題有望得到解決。

MUTHU [email protected]