def double(number):
return '%d' % (number * 2)
以上,路線只接受/ double/ints
class UserConverter(BaseConverter):
"""Converts Users for flask URLs."""
def to_python(self, value):
"""Called to convert a `value` to its python equivalent.
Here, we convert `value` to a User.
# Anytime an invalid value is provided, raise ValidationError. Flask
# will catch this, and continue searching the other routes. First,
# check that value is an integer, if not there is no way it could be
# a user.
if not value.isdigit():
raise ValidationError()
user_id = int(value)
# Look up the user in the database.
if user_id not in _database:
raise ValidationError()
# Otherwise, return the user.
return _database[user_id]
def to_url(self, value):
"""Called to convert a `value` to its `url` equivalent.
Here we convert `value`, the User object to an integer - the user id.
return str(value.id)
當燒瓶匹配您的路線,並需要填寫由您的轉換器處理的點。因此,根據以下路線 - /find/<user:user>
- /查找/ 1
- /查找/ 2
- /查找/雅伊梅蘇拉
- /查找/ zasdf123
app.url_map.converters['user'] = UserConverter
url_for('find_user', user=user)
from flask import Flask, url_for
from werkzeug.routing import BaseConverter, ValidationError
class User:
def __init__(self, id, name):
self.id = id
self.name = name
class UserConverter(BaseConverter):
"""Converts Users for flask URLs."""
def to_python(self, value):
"""Called to convert a `value` to its python equivalent.
Here, we convert `value` to a User.
# Anytime an invalid value is provided, raise ValidationError. Flask
# will catch this, and continue searching the other routes. First,
# check that value is an integer, if not there is no way it could be
# a user.
if not value.isdigit():
raise ValidationError()
user_id = int(value)
# Look up the user in the database.
if user_id not in _database:
raise ValidationError()
# Otherwise, return the user.
return _database[user_id]
def to_url(self, value):
"""Called to convert a `value` to its `url` equivalent.
Here we convert `value`, the User object to an integer - the user id.
return str(value.id)
# Create a `database` of users.
_database = {
1: User(1, 'Bob'),
2: User(2, 'Jim'),
3: User(3, 'Ben')
app = Flask(__name__)
app.url_map.converters['user'] = UserConverter
def find_user(user):
return "User: %s" % user.name
def find_userextra(user):
return 'User extra: %s' % user.name
def list_users():
# Return some broken HTML showing url's to our users.
s = ''
for user in _database.values():
s += url_for('find_user', user=user) + '<br/>'
return s
if __name__ == '__main__':
如果事情是不明確,或喘息一個存在bug,讓我知道:d。這適用於你的問題,因爲你提到的一系列的網址即開始一樣 -
你確定你只是不需要轉換器?這看起來像是轉換器的情況。 – jaime
你是什麼意思?你能詳細說明嗎? – orange