出於某種原因,它不是從文本文件/ CSV中提取計算機名稱,我在那裏有一個計算機名稱作爲演示/測試。
Get-ADComputer -filter {Enabled -eq $True} -Properties cn -SearchBase "OU=Tablets,OU=DEPT,OU=Computer Accounts,DC=BUSINESS,DC=LOCAL" | select cn | Out-File c:\tablets.txt
$cred = Get-Credential BUSINESS\XY.admin
$computers = gc "C:\tablets.csv"
$TargetSession = $computers
# This is the directory you want to copy to the computer (IE. c:\folder_to_be_copied)
$source = "c:\apps"
# On the destination computer, where do you want the folder to be copied?
$dest = "c$"
foreach ($computer in $computers) {
Copy-Item $source -Destination \\$computer\$dest -Recurse
foreach ($computer in $TargetSession) {
#Creates a new remote PowerShell Session and script block - enter the code you want to execute remotely from this block
$Session = New-PSSession $computer -Credential $cred
Invoke-Command -Session $Session -ScriptBlock {
Start-Process "C:\apps\admin-deploy.msi" -ArgumentList "/qn" -Wait
#Start-Sleep -s 20;
#Start-Process ""
# Clean Up
Remove-PSSession -Session $Session
如果它是很難讀 – arco444
因爲你的循環有太多的'{}'請格式化你的代碼,努力幫助你。每個循環只是生成一個腳本塊到管道,它不會運行任何東西。比較'foreach($ i in 1..5){$ i}'和'foreach($ i in 1..5){{$ i}}''。並且你的remove-pssession應該在invoke-command完成後的創建循環中。 – TessellatingHeckler
這些無意義的嵌套scriptblocks是什麼?這是一種新的時尚嗎? –