2017-01-05 110 views


Sub app_crawler() 
    Dim xmlpage As New XMLHTTP60, htmldoc As New HTMLDocument 
    Dim htmlas As Object, htmla As Object, sstr As String 

    xmlpage.Open "GET", "https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/candy-crush-saga/id553834731?mt=8", False 
    htmldoc.body.innerHTML = xmlpage.responseText 

    For Each htmlas In htmldoc.getElementsByClassName("lockup-info")(0).getElementsByTagName("a") 
     sstr = htmlas.href 

     xmlpage.Open "GET", sstr, False 
     htmldoc.body.innerHTML = xmlpage.responseText 

     For Each htmla In htmldoc.getElementsByClassName("intro")(1).getElementsByTagName("h1") 
      x = x + 1: Cells(x, 1) = htmla.innerText 
     Next htmla 
    Next htmlas 
End Sub 

您會在哪一行發生錯誤? – Vityata


*我只是複製完整的代碼,並粘貼在這裏,以避免混淆我所問* - 不幸的是,你基本上給了我們一個程序,並說「它不工作」,沒有給我們任何指示,確切地說問題可能出在哪裏,或者表現出任何形式的努力來嘗試將問題隔離到單個特定指令。你可以嘗試這樣做,並且[編輯]你的問題? –


你需要** [編輯] **信息*到你的問題*。 –




Sub app_crawler() 
    Dim http As New XMLHTTP60, hdoc As New HTMLDocument, hdoc_one As New HTMLDocument 
    Dim elem As Object, post As Object, sstr As String 

    With http 
     .Open "GET", "https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/candy-crush-saga/id553834731?mt=8", False 
     hdoc.body.innerHTML = .responseText 
    End With 

    For Each elem In hdoc.getElementsByClassName("lockup-info") 
     With elem.getElementsByTagName("li")(0).getElementsByTagName("a") 
      If .Length Then sstr = .Item(0).href 
     End With 
     With http 
      .Open "GET", sstr, False 
      hdoc_one.body.innerHTML = .responseText 
     End With 

     For Each post In hdoc_one.getElementsByClassName("intro") 
      With post.getElementsByTagName("h1") 
       If .Length Then i = i + 1: Cells(i, 1) = .Item(0).innerText 
      End With 
     Next post 
    Next elem 
End Sub 

由於Mat's Mugcommented,你必須測試,如果htmlas(x)回報Nothing從中獲取元素之前,同樣適用於getElementByTagName及其他:

Sub TestSth() 
    Dim xmlpage As New MSXML2.XMLHTTP60 
    Dim htmldoc As New MSHTML.HTMLDocument 
    Dim htmlas As Object, gist As Object 
    Dim htmla As Object, main As Object, lux As String 
    Dim x As Long, link As Object, thank As Object 
    xmlpage.Open "GET", "https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/candy-crush-saga/id553834731?mt=8", False 
    htmldoc.body.innerHTML = xmlpage.responseText 
    Set xmlpage = Nothing 

    Set htmlas = htmldoc.getElementsByClassName("lockup-info") 
    For x = 0 To htmlas.Length - IIf(htmlas.Length > 0, 1, 0) 
    If Not htmlas(x) Is Nothing Then 
     If Not htmlas(x).getElementsByTagName("a") Is Nothing Then 
     If Not htmlas(x).getElementsByTagName("a")(0) Is Nothing Then 
      lux = htmlas(x).getElementsByTagName("a")(0).getAttribute("href") 
      If lux <> "" Then 
      xmlpage.Open "GET", lux, False 
      htmldoc.body.innerHTML = xmlpage.responseText 

      Set main = htmldoc.getElementsByClassName("intro")(1) 
      Set thank = main.getElementsByTagName("div") 
      For Each link In thank 
       ActiveCell.Value = link.innertext 
       ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select 
      Next link 
      End If 
     End If 
     End If 
    End If 
    Next x 
End Sub 

感謝您的努力,但它並沒有拉動它應該的整個數據。我昨晚已經解決了這個問題。這是我期待的: – SIM
