我編碼在COBOL,加入後的if語句下面列出的,我一直得到 「 在第‘000-主’: 錯誤:語法錯誤,意想不到的IF」語法錯誤在COBOL程序,意外,如果
Identification Division.
Program-ID. Lab2.
*This program will generate a statement for a single investment
*that compounds interest monthly.
* It will prompt use for 3 inputs, calculate total interest
* earned, final balance, & entire account balance schedule.
* It will then display all output to the console.
Environment Division.
Data Division.
Working-Storage Section.
01 invest-amt pic S9(9)V99.
01 invest-error-msg pic x(40) value "Investment "
& "Amount must be positive".
01 int-rate pic S9(2)V99.
01 int-rate-error-msg pic x(40) value "Annual Interest "
& "Rate must be positive".
01 int-rate-final pic 9V99999.
01 num-months pic S9(3).
01 num-months-error-msg pic x(40) value "Number of Months "
& "must be positive".
01 multiply-rate pic 9V99999.
01 blank-line pic x value " ".
01 month-counter pic 99 value 1.
01 balance-month pic 9(9)V99.
01 interest-month pic 9(9)V99.
01 total-interest pic 9(9)V99.
01 final-balance pic 9(9)V99.
01 additional-value pic S9(9)V99.
01 add-value-error-msg pic x(40) value "Additional Value "
& "must be positive".
01 Q pic 9(3).
01 R pic 9(3).
01 months-in-year pic 9(2) Value 12.
Procedure Division.
perform 100-initialize
perform until invest-amt >=0
display invest-error-msg
perform 200-input
perform 210-input-rate
perform until int-rate >=0
display int-rate-error-msg
perform 210-input-rate
perform 220-input-month
perform until num-months >=0
display num-months-error-msg
perform 220-input-month
perform 230-input-additional-value
perform until additional-value >=0
display add-value-error-msg
perform 230-input-additional-value
perform 300-print-words
perform 400-process-interest
perform 310-print-values
display blank-line
perform until month-counter = num-months
add 1 to month-counter
Divide month-counter By months-in-year Giving Q Remainder R
if ((num-months> months-in-year) & (R=0))
Add additional-value to balance-month
multiply month-counter by months-in-year
add interest-month to balance-month rounded
perform 400-process-interest
perform 310-print-values
display blank-line
對於支持它的編譯器,'&'是一個串聯運算符。你不能只是編寫語法。掌握編譯器的手冊。只要提一下,通過不使用空格限制符號,就可以讓代碼看起來很sl sl。 –
您的'Divide'超出了固定格式COBOL的有效列。這和IF中的'&'是問題,儘管似乎有一些編譯器支持IF中的'&'。從縮進中你期待一個'END-IF'',但由於它是可選的,它不是編譯錯誤(儘管幾乎肯定是一個邏輯錯誤)。 –