有沒有簡單的物理模型,將做到這一點,畫家的色彩與光線非常複雜的相互作用。幸運的是,我們有計算機,不限於物理世界的建模 - 我們可以讓他們做任何我們想要的任意事情!
# elementary_colors.py
from math import degrees, radians, atan2, sin, cos
red = (255, 0, 0)
orange = (255, 160, 0)
yellow = (255, 255, 0)
green = (0, 255, 0)
cyan = (0, 255, 255)
blue = (0, 0, 255)
magenta = (255, 0, 255)
white = (255, 255, 255)
black = (0, 0, 0)
mud = (94, 81, 74)
colorwheel = [(0, red), (60, orange), (120, yellow), (180, green),
(215, cyan), (250, blue), (330, magenta), (360, red)]
red_x, red_y = cos(radians(0)), sin(radians(0))
yellow_x, yellow_y = cos(radians(120)), sin(radians(120))
blue_x, blue_y = cos(radians(240)), sin(radians(240))
def lerp(left, right, left_part, total):
if total == 0:
return left
ratio = float(left_part)/total
return [l * ratio + r * (1.0 - ratio) for l,r in zip(left, right)]
def hue_to_rgb(deg):
deg = deg % 360
previous_angle, previous_color = colorwheel[0]
for angle, color in colorwheel:
if deg <= angle:
return lerp(previous_color, color, angle - deg, angle - previous_angle)
previous_angle = angle
previous_color = color
def int_rgb(rgb):
return tuple(int(c * 255.99/255) for c in rgb)
def rybwk_to_rgb(r, y, b, w, k):
if r == 0 and y == 0 and b == 0:
rgb = white
hue = degrees(atan2(r * red_y + y * yellow_y + b * blue_y,
r * red_x + y * yellow_x + b * blue_x))
rgb = hue_to_rgb(hue)
rgb = lerp(mud, rgb, min(r, y, b), max(r, y, b))
gray = lerp(white, black, w, w+k)
rgb = lerp(rgb, gray, r+y+b, r+y+b+w+k)
return int_rgb(rgb)
您是否看了:「[算法爲RGB值添加顏色混合](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/726549/algorithm-for-additive-color-mixing-for-rgb-values)」或「[是否有一種顏色混合算法,像混合真實顏色一樣工作?](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1351442/is-there-an-algorithm-for-color-mixing-that-works-like-混合實時的顏色)「? – kmote