大家好我試着使用AppMancer AMDownload 這裏是我的代碼mosyn HTTP POST使用AMDownload
#include <MAUtil/Moblet.h>
#include <conprint.h>
#include <AMDownload/DownloadManager.h>
using namespace AMDownload;
using namespace MAUtil;
* A Moblet is a high-level class that defines the
* behaviour of a MoSync program.
class MyMoblet : public Moblet, private DownloadRequestListener
* Initialize the application in the constructor.
printf("Press zero or back to exit\n");
* Called when a key is pressed.
void keyPressEvent(int keyCode, int nativeCode)
if (MAK_BACK == keyCode || MAK_0 == keyCode)
// Call close to exit the application.
// Print the key character.
printf("You typed: %c\n", keyCode);
String password = "p45sw0rd";
DownloadRequest* req = DownloadManager::createRequest(this);
req->addPostData("name", "hy");
void downloadFinished(DownloadRequest* request){}
* Called when a key is released.
void keyReleaseEvent(int keyCode, int nativeCode)
* Called when the screen is touched.
void pointerPressEvent(MAPoint2d point)
// Print the x and y coordinate.
printf("You touched: %i %i\n", point.x, point.y);
* Entry point of the program. The MAMain function
* needs to be declared as extern "C".
extern "C" int MAMain()
Moblet::run(new MyMoblet());
return 0;
[28] Emulator connected.
[28] PrintConsole:
[28] Press zero or back to exit
[28] PrintConsole:
[28] You typed: 4
[28] MoSync Panic 40055. "Attempted to use a resource, but no resources exist." The panic occurred in the syscall maGetDataSize.
[28] IP:0xefda: crtlib.s:1
[28] IP:0x2b0: C:/MoSync/workspace/uu/main.cpp:20
[28] IP:0x2058e: c:/slave/buildScripts/temp_Nnqh/source/libs/MAUtil/Moblet.cpp:89
[28] IP:0x1a704: c:/slave/buildScripts/temp_Nnqh/source/libs/MAUtil/ListenerSet.h:60
[28] IP:0x13f: C:/MoSync/workspace/uu/main.cpp:13
[28] IP:0x1c7: C:/MoSync/workspace/uu/main.cpp:41
[28] IP:0x696a0: C:/MoSync/AppMancer/AMDownload/DownloadManager.cpp:81
[28] IP:0x6952a: C:/MoSync/AppMancer/AMDownload/DownloadManager.cpp:195
[28] IP:0x67ce0: C:/MoSync/AppMancer/AMDownload/HttpDownloader.cpp:68
[28] IP:0x67a75: C:/MoSync/AppMancer/AMDownload/HttpDownloader.cpp:269
[28] Exit @ IP 0x67a73 SP 0x3ffe9c
[28] IP:0x67a73: C:/MoSync/AppMancer/AMDownload/HttpDownloader.cpp:269
MoSync Panic 40055. "Attempted to use a resource, but no resources exist." The panic occurred in the syscall maGetDataSize.
我已經設置了發佈數據req-> addPostD ata(「name」,「hy」);
感謝您的幫助。 – acrs