2014-07-01 33 views



Sub Find_Matches() 

Dim CompareRange As Variant, x As Variant, y As Variant 
Dim ReportingRange As Variant 

Dim thisBook As Workbook 
Set thisBook = ThisWorkbook 

Dim Match As Boolean 

Dim Weekly_Data As Workbook 
Set Weekly_Data = Workbooks.Open("Weekly Data.xlsx") 

Dim LastRow As Long 

Dim Reporting As Workbook 
Set Reporting = Workbooks.Open("Reporting.xlsm") 

On Error GoTo Errorcatch 

Set CompareRange = Weekly_Data.Worksheets("Sheet1")._ 
    Range("b2", Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("b2").End(xlDown)).Value 
Set ReportingRange = Reporting.Worksheets("Sheet1")._ 
    Range("a1", Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("a1").End(xlDown)).Value 

For Each x In CompareRange 
    Match = False 
    For Each y In ReportingRange 
     If x = y Then Match = True 
     If x = y Then Exit For 
    Next y 
    'If Match = False Then x.Offset(0, 1) = x 
    LastRow = thisBook.Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("a1").End(xlDown).Offset(1, 0) 
    If Match = False Then x.LastRow 
Next x 

Set Weekly_Data = Nothing 
Set Reporting = Nothing 

Exit Sub 
MsgBox Err.Description 
End Sub 



更仔細地看待代碼,有幾個問題。我固定他們在下面的代碼(注 - 爲簡單起見,我把三個大量的數據在一張紙上,但你可以把你自己的工作簿結構的背面,很明顯)

Sub Find_Matches() 

Dim CompareRange As Variant, x As Variant, y As Variant 
Dim ReportingRange As Variant 

Dim thisBook As Workbook 
Set thisBook = ThisWorkbook 

Dim Match As Boolean 

Dim Weekly_Data As Workbook 
Set Weekly_Data = ActiveWorkbook '<<<< changed for simplicity. Change back to what you need 
' Dim LastRow As Long <<< no longer used 

Dim Reporting As Workbook 
Set Reporting = ActiveWorkbook ' <<<< ditto 

' <<< new: set the first cell where output goes once, then move down when you write in it >>> 
Dim outputRange As Range 
Set outputRange = thisBook.Sheets("Sheet1").Range("C2") ' pick whatever the right spot is 

On Error GoTo Errorcatch 

Set CompareRange = Weekly_Data.Worksheets("Sheet1"). _ 
    Range("b2", Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("b2").End(xlDown)) ' <<< not .Value 

Set ReportingRange = Reporting.Worksheets("Sheet1"). _ 
    Range("a1", Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("a1").End(xlDown)) ' <<< not .Value 

For Each x In CompareRange 
    Match = False 
    For Each y In ReportingRange 
     If x = y Then Match = True 
     If x = y Then Exit For 
    Next y 
    If Match = False Then 
     outputRange.Value = x 
     Set outputRange = outputRange.Offset(1, 0) ' <<< so outputRange always points to next empty cell 
    End If 
Next x 

Set Weekly_Data = Nothing 
Set Reporting = Nothing 

Exit Sub 
MsgBox Err.Description 
End Sub 

這些變化使得代碼爲我工作。順便提一下,我建議您在嘗試調試時關閉On Error語句,以便在發生錯誤的行停止(而不是僅報告錯誤)。一旦你的代碼正在工作,你可以打開錯誤陷阱來防止意外情況發生。



正如我試圖在上面的行定義(但顯然沒有做一個偉大的工作),我試圖做的是採取存儲在X中的值,並將其移動到本書在第一個可用的單元格列A. – VermillionDe


雖然這確實使這些代碼行更乾淨(我需要,謝謝),但不幸的是仍然拋出相同的錯誤。我的假設是我在使用一系列單元格和.value設置CompareRange和ReportingRange的值時做了一些錯誤但是就像我說的,我對VBA很新,所以我不確定。 – VermillionDe


打開VBA編輯器並從那裏運行代碼。您應該能夠看到發生錯誤的行。回報。 – Floris
