#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
enum Race {wood_elf, human, high_elf, khajiit, orc, dwarf};
enum Class {archer, assassin, healer, knight, mage, paladin};
typedef struct Character
char name[20];
enum Class class_;
enum Race race_;
int perception;
int stealth;
int strength;
int charisma;
int agility;
int intelligence;
int health;
int magika;
int stamina;
} Character;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
int mc = 1;
while(mc != 2) {
printf("Welcome to Ceatures and Computers, please enter a number to select an option: \n\n");
printf("1.) Create Character \n");
printf("2.) Quit \n");
scanf("%i", &mc);
if(mc == 1)
if(mc == 2)
printf("Thank you for playing. \n");
if(mc > 2)
printf("Please enter number 1 or 2 to select a menu option. \n");
return 0;
如果'mc'小於'1'會怎麼樣? –
總是檢查'scanf()'的返回值;如果它表示'0',那麼可能意味着用戶輸入'a',您希望他們輸入'1'或'2'。 –