2016-07-28 28 views

我的JavaScript似乎很好(.prompt()和一切,甚至嵌套的if/else語句的開始),但是當我驗證我的JavaScript時,它提示「Expected semicolon before statement」爲第一個提示。提示方法不能用?


這是代碼。性別變量應該只接受2個答案,男性和女性。 childrenh變量應該接受0到12之間的任何數字(12是我的角色每次懷孕的最大數量)。這是一個數組可能會派上用場或某些等效的,因爲那時我可能有導致更多.prompt(件)語句

function Character() { 
    var gender.prompt("What is your gender?"); 
    if (gender = "Female") { 

    var children_h.prompt("Have you had any children recently?"); 
    if (children_h = "0") { 
     var pregnant.prompt("Are you pregnant?"); 
     if (pregnant = "Yes") { 
     var pregnant_m.prompt("Is it a multiple pregnancy?"); 
     if (pregnant_m = "Yes") { 
      var pregnant_t.prompt("How far are you in your pregnancy(trimester)?"); 
      if (pregnant_t = "1") { 
      alert("Expect to feel like you are sick"); 
      else if (pregnant_t = "2") { 
      alert("You might feel some movements"); 
      else if (pregnant_t = "3") { 
      alert("You might feel pain before labor.") 
      else { 
      alert("Your baby is more than ready. Don't be surprised if you go into labor.") 
    else if (children_h = "1") { 
     var children_a.prompt("How old is your child?") 
    else if (children_h = "2") { 
     var chilren_m.prompt("Were they twins or not?") 
    else if (children_h = "3") { 
     children_m.prompt("Were they twins or triplets?") 
    else if (children_h = "4") { 
     children_m.prompt("Were they multiples?") 
    else if (children_h = "5") { 
     children_m.prompt("Were they multiples?") 
    else if (children_h = "6") { 
     children_m.prompt("Were they multiples?") 
    else if (children_h = "7") { 
     children_m.prompt("Were they multiples?") 
    else if (children_h = "8") { 
     children_m.prompt("Were they multiples?") 
    else if (children_h = "9") { 
     children_m.prompt("Were they multiples?") 
    else if (children_h = "10") { 
     children_m.prompt("Were they multiples?") 
    else if (children_h = "11") { 
     children_m.prompt("Were they multiples?") 
    else if (children_h = "12") { 
     children_m.prompt("Were they multiples?") 
    else { 
    else if (gender = "Male") { 
    childrenh.prompt("Have you had any children recently?"); 
    else { 
    alert("Undefined gender!") 
<!DOCTYPE html> 

    <link rel='stylesheet' href='style.css' /> 
    <script src='script.js'></script> 

    <p>Take the personality test to find out your character's personality</p> 
    <button onclick="Character">Test</button> 


(12 if/else語句本質上等同)那麼,爲什麼我的變量會出現語法錯誤?我用與聲明我的提示性陳述相同的語句聲明這些變量。






var gender.prompt("What is your gender?"); 
if(gender = "Female"){ 

    var childrenh.prompt("Have you had any children recently"); 


var gender = prompt("What is your gender?"); 
if(gender === "Female"){   
    var children = prompt("Have you had any children recently"); 

但我試過了,我得到所有這些「未申報的提示()語句」的錯誤。這就像從1錯誤到下一個錯誤。首先變量是未定義的,然後當我定義它時,prompt()語句是未聲明的。 – Caters


你有改變「。」以「=」 – user86745458


例如,更改var pregnant.prompt(「你懷孕了嗎?」);到var懷孕=提示(「你懷孕了嗎?」); – user86745458