2012-02-17 42 views



from collections import defaultdict 
data = [2,5,10] 
target_sum = 100 
# T[x, i] is True if 'x' can be solved 
# by a linear combination of data[:i+1] 
T = defaultdict(bool)   # all values are False by default 
T[0, 0] = True    # base case 

for i, x in enumerate(data): # i is index, x is data[i] 
    for s in range(target_sum + 1): #set the range of one higher than sum to include sum itself 
     for c in range(s/x + 1): 
      if T[s - c * x, i]: 
       T[s, i+1] = True 

#check the python dict results 
count = 0 
for x in T: 
    if T[x] == True: 
     print x, ':', T[x] 
     count = count +1 

print 'total count is ', count 
#False is 152 and True is 250. Total is: 402 



cursor = conn.cursor() 
cursor = conn.cursor() 
cursor.execute ("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS data_table") 
cursor.execute (""" 
    CREATE TABLE data_table 
     value  CHAR(80), 
     state BOOL 
#with database 
for i, x in enumerate(data): # i is index, x is data[i] 
    for s in range(target_sum + 1): #set the range of one higher than sum to include sum itself 
     for c in range(s/x + 1): 
      cursor.execute(""" SELECT value, state FROM data_table WHERE value='%s' """ % ([s - c * x, i])) 
      if cursor.rowcount == 0: 
       #print 'nothing found, adding' 
       cursor.execute (""" INSERT INTO data_table (value, state) VALUES ('%s', False)""" % ([s - c * x, i])) 
      elif cursor.rowcount == 1: 
       cursor.execute (""" UPDATE data_table SET state=True WHERE value = '%s'""" % ([s - c * x, i])) 
       #print 'record updated' 

#False is 17 and True is 286. Total is: 303 

只是總結一下(如果你不想運行的代碼),defaultdict創建時的東西被查詢的虛假條目(在此case if T[s - c * x, i]:)所以要複製這個特性,我做了一個mysql查找值,如果它不存在,那麼我創建它,如果它確實存在,那麼我將它設置爲true。我高度懷疑我沒有正確地複製功能

我唯一想到的其他事情是python顯示結果爲(222, 0) : False但mysql正在做[222,0]不知道這是否有所作爲。




# First example 
if T[s - c * x, i]: 
    T[s, i+1] = True 
    # Key is (s, i+1) 

# Second example 
elif cursor.rowcount == 1: 
    cursor.execute (""" UPDATE data_table SET state=True WHERE value = '%s'""" % ([s - c * x, i])) 
    # Key is (s - c * x, i) 

IMO它會更有意義,只是存儲在數據庫中的真實情況,這可能使你的程序更加簡單。否則,您還需要檢查數據庫中是否存在(s, i+1),如果存在,則將其更新爲True,如果不存在,則創建一個新行。

P.S.我也錯過了將(0, 0)設置爲True的命令。在創建數據庫之後,不應該插入插入內容嗎?


cursor.execute (""" INSERT INTO data_table (value, state) VALUES ('%s', True)""" % ([0, 0])) 
# Inserted the (0,0) case 
for i, x in enumerate(data): 
    for s in range(target_sum + 1): 
     for c in range(s/x + 1): 
      cursor.execute(""" SELECT value, state FROM data_table WHERE value='%s' """ % ([s - c * x, i])) 
      if cursor.rowcount == 0: 
       cursor.execute (""" INSERT INTO data_table (value, state) VALUES ('%s', False)""" % ([s - c * x, i])) 
      elif cursor.rowcount == 1: 
       (value, state) = cursor.fetchone() # Gets the state 
       if state: # equivalent to your if in the first example 
        insertOrUpdate(conn, [s, i+1]) 



def insertOrUpdate(conn, key): 
    cursor.execute(""" SELECT value, state FROM data_table WHERE value='%s' """ % key) 
     if cursor.rowcount == 0: 
      # Insert as True if not exists 
      cursor.execute (""" INSERT INTO data_table (value, state) VALUES ('%s', True)""" % key) 
     elif cursor.rowcount == 1: 
      (value, state) = cursor.fetchone() 
      if !state: 
       # Update as True, if it was False 
       cursor.execute (""" UPDATE data_table SET state=True WHERE value = '%s'""" % key) 


cursor = conn.cursor() 
cursor.execute ("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS data_table") 
cursor.execute (""" 
    CREATE TABLE data_table(
     value  CHAR(80) 

cursor.execute (""" INSERT INTO data_table (value) VALUES ('%s')""" % [0, 0]) 

for i, x in enumerate(data): # i is index, x is data[i] 
    for s in range(target_sum + 1): #set the range of one higher than sum to include sum itself 
     for c in range(s/x + 1): 
      cursor.execute(""" SELECT value FROM data_table WHERE value='%s' """ % ([s - c * x, i])) 
      if cursor.rowcount == 1: 
       cursor.execute(""" SELECT value FROM data_table WHERE value='%s' """ % [s, i+1]) 
       if cursor.rowcount == 0: 
        cursor.execute (""" INSERT INTO data_table (value) VALUES ('%s')""" % [s, i+1]) 

謝謝你指出這一點..我剛剛解決這個問題。現在一切都是錯誤的。但算法通過查看過去的請求,然後改變之前的價值。 – Lostsoul 2012-02-17 23:39:09


@Lostsoul檢查我的更新答案,那個錯誤不是唯一的。 – mgibsonbr 2012-02-17 23:51:01


@Lostsoul我也發佈了一個替代解決方案,只存儲True值 – mgibsonbr 2012-02-18 00:13:40