2013-02-10 91 views


myFunc(args).then(function() { ... }); 

我覺得這句法回調真的優雅。我的理解是,這不是vanilla JS的一部分,我希望能夠偶爾使用它,而不依賴於特定的庫,所以我對如何自己實現這一點感興趣。那麼,這種事情是如何工作的,以及如何爲函數調用實現它?


'then'方法往往是「承諾」模式的一部分。 jQuery將其實現爲「延遲」api的一部分。 – zzzzBov 2013-02-10 01:55:00


[道格拉斯克羅克福德在他的「Monads和Gonads」談話中簡單地接觸了諾言](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dkZFtimgAcM&t=1920) – zzzzBov 2013-02-10 01:58:05


閱讀關於CommonJS承諾建議,其中還包括一個庫列表你可以使用:http://wiki.commonjs.org/wiki/Promises/A。 – 2013-02-10 03:32:39




一般實現模式是創建一個函數,該函數返回一個對象,該對象包含一個函數(然後)將一對函數作爲回調函數傳遞給先前的方法,然後在成功或失敗時運行該方法。 MSDN有更多關於在blog post here

承諾有張貼在Github上這裏極簡實現:Promises GIST

function Promise() { 
    this._thens = []; 

Promise.prototype = { 

    /* This is the "front end" API. */ 

    // then(onResolve, onReject): Code waiting for this promise uses the 
    // then() method to be notified when the promise is complete. There 
    // are two completion callbacks: onReject and onResolve. A more 
    // robust promise implementation will also have an onProgress handler. 
    then: function (onResolve, onReject) { 
     // capture calls to then() 
     this._thens.push({ resolve: onResolve, reject: onReject }); 

    // Some promise implementations also have a cancel() front end API that 
    // calls all of the onReject() callbacks (aka a "cancelable promise"). 
    // cancel: function (reason) {}, 

    /* This is the "back end" API. */ 

    // resolve(resolvedValue): The resolve() method is called when a promise 
    // is resolved (duh). The resolved value (if any) is passed by the resolver 
    // to this method. All waiting onResolve callbacks are called 
    // and any future ones are, too, each being passed the resolved value. 
    resolve: function (val) { this._complete('resolve', val); }, 

    // reject(exception): The reject() method is called when a promise cannot 
    // be resolved. Typically, you'd pass an exception as the single parameter, 
    // but any other argument, including none at all, is acceptable. 
    // All waiting and all future onReject callbacks are called when reject() 
    // is called and are passed the exception parameter. 
    reject: function (ex) { this._complete('reject', ex); }, 

    // Some promises may have a progress handler. The back end API to signal a 
    // progress "event" has a single parameter. The contents of this parameter 
    // could be just about anything and is specific to your implementation. 
    // progress: function (data) {}, 

    /* "Private" methods. */ 

    _complete: function (which, arg) { 
     // switch over to sync then() 
     this.then = which === 'resolve' ? 
      function (resolve, reject) { resolve(arg); } : 
      function (resolve, reject) { reject(arg); }; 
     // disallow multiple calls to resolve or reject 
     this.resolve = this.reject = 
      function() { throw new Error('Promise already completed.'); }; 
     // complete all waiting (async) then()s 
     var aThen, i = 0; 
     while (aThen = this._thens[i++]) { aThen[which] && aThen[which](arg); } 
     delete this._thens; 


(請注意,這不是我的代碼,通過它看上去和它看起來不錯的起點。 ,但所有功勞都歸功於original author
