好吧,我想做一個簡單的程序來測試我學習的東西有多好,我已經到了一個點,它變得非常大,因爲我想程序將數據存儲在部分(Day1,Day2 .... ect),所以我試圖分配它讀取當前日計數(Num_Days =),但它似乎並不喜歡這樣。我做了一個小測試循環,試着測試一下,如果我能做到這一點,即使邏輯看起來不錯,我也會陷入困境。我試圖做一些搜索,但因爲我不知道我想做甚麼叫我沒有得到很遠。我想要做的就是讓循環讀取Num_Days並給Days()計數並通過'n'將它分配給那一天。簡單的Python循環計數器問題
Num_Days = 0
Total = 0
Data = 0
Day1 = 0
Day2 = 0
Day3 = 0
def Start_Work(x):
while Num_Days < 3:
Num_Days += 1
print "This is Day:",Num_Days
n = Num_Days
Total = +20
Day(n) += Total
print "failed"
x = str('start')
NumDays = 0
TotalOut = 0
Day1Tot = 0
Day1_RepsCnt = 0
Day4 = 0
def Work_Out(x):
while x == 1: ##crunches
NumDays = 0
TotalOut = 0
Day1Tot = 0
Day1_RepsCnt = 0
Day1_WghtCnt = 0
Day4 = 0
while NumDays < 3:
Day1_Wght = float(raw_input("How much weight did you use?"))
Day1_Reps = float(raw_input("How many reps did you do?"))
Day1_Sets = float(raw_input("How many sets were done?"))
Day1 = Day1_Wght * Day1_Reps * Day1_Sets
NumDays += 1
print "Day:",NumDays
print "Your total output is:",Day1
Day1_RepsCnt += Day1_Reps
Day1_WghtCnt += Day1_Wght
Day1Tot += Day1
TotalOut += Day1
if NumDays == 3:
print "Your total output for 3 days is:",TotalOut
print "Lets increase the Weight to",(Day1_Wght + 10)
print "Increase the Weight for days 4-6"
while NumDays >= 3 and NumDays <6:
Day4_Wght = float(raw_input("How much weight did you use?"))
if Day4_Wght <= (Day1_WghtCnt/3):
print "You need to increase your total output, add 10 pounds."
Day4_Reps = float(raw_input("How many reps did you do?"))
Day4_Sets = float(raw_input("How many sets were done?"))
Day4 += Day4_Wght * Day4_Reps * Day4_Sets
NumDays += 1
print "Day:",NumDays
if Day4_Wght <= (Day1_WghtCnt/3):
print "Re-enter totals once you have added the additional weight."
else :
print "Your total output was:",Day4
while x == 2: ##Benching
NumDays = 0
TotalOut = 0
Day1Tot = 0
Day1_RepsCnt = 0
Day4 = 0
while NumDays < 3:
Day1_Wght = float(raw_input("How much weight did you use?"))
Day1_Reps = float(raw_input("How many reps did you do?"))
Day1_Sets = float(raw_input("How many sets were done?"))
Day1 = Day1_Wght * Day1_Reps * Day1_Sets
NumDays += 1
print "Day:",NumDays
print "Your total output is:",Day1
Day1_RepsCnt += Day1_Reps
Day1Tot += Day1
TotalOut += Day1
if NumDays == 3:
print "Your total output for 3 days is:",TotalOut
print "Lets increase the Reps to",(Day1_Reps + 10)
print "Increase reps for days 4-6"
while NumDays >= 3 and NumDays <6:
Day4_Wght = float(raw_input("How much weight did you use?"))
Day4_Reps = float(raw_input("How many reps did you do?"))
if Day4_Reps <= (Day1_RepsCnt/3):
print "You need to increase your total output, do 10 more Reps."
Day4_Sets = float(raw_input("How many sets were done?"))
Day4 += Day4_Wght * Day4_Reps * Day4_Sets
NumDays += 1
print "Day:",NumDays
if Day4_Reps <= (Day1_RepsCnt/3):
print "Re-enter totals once you have completed the additional reps."
else :
print "Your total output was:",Day4
print "Available work outs in this version: crunches, benching"
Input = raw_input("What type of Work Out did you do?")
if Input.lower() == str('crunches'):
if Input.lower() == str('benching'):
print "Failed"
好吧,代碼採樣器似乎不喜歡我,對不起。請按照dpaste – Aoxx
刪除第一行開始處的''''字符(我會這樣做,但我不能進行小於6個字符的編輯) – fjarri
您的理解是,第(1)日'會改變變量'Day1'?如果是這樣,不,請閱讀數組。 – Malvolio