我正在尋找一種方法來排隊的動畫塊,整個這篇博客文章發生了: http://xibxor.com/2013/03/27/uiview-animation-without-nested-hell/這個區塊隊列中發生了什麼?
NSMutableArray* animationBlocks = [NSMutableArray new];
typedef void(^animationBlock)(BOOL);
// getNextAnimation
// removes the first block in the queue and returns it
animationBlock (^getNextAnimation)() = ^{
animationBlock block = animationBlocks.count ? (animationBlock)[animationBlocks objectAtIndex:0] : nil;
if (block){
[animationBlocks removeObjectAtIndex:0];
return block;
return ^(BOOL finished){};
//add a block to our queue
[animationBlocks addObject:^(BOOL finished){;
[UIView animateWithDuration:1.0 animations:^{
//...animation code...
} completion: getNextAnimation()];
//add a block to our queue
[animationBlocks addObject:^(BOOL finished){;
[UIView animateWithDuration:1.0 animations:^{
//...animation code...
} completion: getNextAnimation()];
//add a block to our queue
[animationBlocks addObject:^(BOOL finished){;
[UIView animateWithDuration:1.0 animations:^{
//...animation code...
} completion: getNextAnimation()];
//add a block to our queue
[animationBlocks addObject:^(BOOL finished){;
NSLog(@"Multi-step Animation Complete!");
// execute the first block in the queue
據我看到後快速查看;錯字但不干擾;像空行... – Volker