2016-12-31 36 views


spacecraft1 = spacecraft(500,500,100,34) 

使課堂 然後循環我使用spacecraft1.motion()更新/移動。從所有這一切我得到錯誤:

Traceback (most recent call last): 
    File "C:\Users\Redstone3\Desktop\Desctop\Centers\game5\gameBuild 0.04.py", line 107, in <module> 
    spacecraft1 = spacecraft(500,500,100,34) 
TypeError: 'pygame.Surface' object is not callable 


spacecraft1 = spacecraft(500,500,100,34) 
spacecraft2 = spacecraft(500,500,100,34) 
spacecraft3 = spacecraft(500,500,100,34) 


import pygame 
import random 

class BaseClass(pygame.sprite.Sprite): 

allsprites = pygame.sprite.Group() 
def __init__(self, x, y, width, height,): 


    self.shipDefaultUp = pygame.image.load("textures/ships/shipDefault/shipUP.png") 
    self.shipDefaultRight = pygame.image.load("textures/ships/shipDefault/shipRIGHT.png") 
    self.shipDefaultDown = pygame.image.load("textures/ships/shipDefault/shipDOWN.png") 
    self.shipDefaultLeft = pygame.image.load("textures/ships/shipDefault/shipLEFT.png") 

    self.shipCargo1Up = pygame.image.load("textures/ships/shipCargo1/shipCargo1UP.png") 
    self.shipCargo1Right = pygame.image.load("textures/ships/shipCargo1/shipCargo1RIGHT.png") 
    self.shipCargo1Down = pygame.image.load("textures/ships/shipCargo1/shipCargo1DOWN.png") 
    self.shipCargo1Left = pygame.image.load("textures/ships/shipCargo1/shipCargo1LEFT.png") 

    self.shipCargo2Up = pygame.image.load("textures/ships/shipCargo2/shipCargo2UP.png") 
    self.shipCargo2Right = pygame.image.load("textures/ships/shipCargo2/shipCargo2RIGHT.png") 
    self.shipCargo2Down = pygame.image.load("textures/ships/shipCargo2/shipCargo2DOWN.png") 
    self.shipCargo2Left = pygame.image.load("textures/ships/shipCargo2/shipCargo2LEFT.png") 

    self.image = pygame.image.load("textures/ships/shipDefault/shipUP.png") 

    self.rect = self.image.get_rect() 
    self.rect.x = x 
    self.rect.y = y 

    self.width = width 
    self.height = height 

    #self.dirrection = random.randrange(1,5) 
    self.dirrection = 1 
    self.timer = random.randrange(10,50) 
    self.speed = random.randrange(2,10) 

    self.shiptype = 3#random.randrange(1,3) 

    #1 = shipDefault 
    #2 = shipCargo1 
    #3 = shipCargo2 

    self.move1 = ((1),(2),(4)) 
    self.move2 = ((1),(2),(3)) 
    self.move3 = ((2),(3),(4)) 
    self.move4 = ((1),(3),(4)) 

class spacecraft(BaseClass): 
    ships = pygame.sprite.Group() 

    def __init__(self, x, y, width, height,): 
     BaseClass.__init__(self, x, y, width, height,) 

    def motion(self): 

     #1 = UP 
     #2 = RIGHT 
     #3 = DOWN 
     #4 = LEFT 

     self.timer -=1 

     if self.dirrection == 1: ##############SHIP UP 
      self.rect.y -=self.speed 

      if self.shiptype == 1: 
       self.image = self.shipDefaultUp 

      if self.shiptype == 2: 
       self.image = self.shipCargo1Up 

     if self.dirrection == 2:################SHIP RIGHT 
      self.rect.x +=self.speed 

      if self.shiptype == 1: 
       self.image = self.shipDefaultRight 

      if self.shiptype == 2: 
       self.image = self.shipCargo1Right 

      if self.shiptype == 3: 
       self.image = self.shipCargo2Right 

     if self.dirrection == 3: ##############SHIP DOWN 
      self.rect.y +=self.speed 

      if self.shiptype == 1: 
       self.image = self.shipDefaultDown 

      if self.shiptype == 2: 
       self.image = self.shipCargo1Down 

      if self.shiptype == 3: 
       self.image = self.shipCargo2Down 

     if self.dirrection == 4: ################SHIP LEFT 
      self.rect.x -=self.speed 

      if self.shiptype == 1: 
       self.image = self.shipDefaultLeft 

      if self.shiptype == 2: 
       self.image = self.shipCargo1Left 

      if self.shiptype == 3: 
       self.image = self.shipCargo2Left 

     if self.dirrection == 5: ####IF SHIP IS NOT MOVING#### 

     if self.timer < 0:####GET NEW DIRECTION FOR SHIP#### 
      self.dirrection = random.randrange(1,6) 
      self.timer = random.randrange(10,50) 

Full code here(Google Drive)


對於簡單的問題:您可以使用'list'來創建一堆飛船並將它們全部存儲在一個變量中。 –


爲類使用'CamelCase'名稱 - '類Spacecraft(BaseClass):' - 它使代碼更具可讀性。 – furas


怎麼樣? 'epicList = []'然後呢?我需要使用類似'spacecraft1.append?'的東西嗎? – cmdtvt





class spacecraft: 

def someOtherFunction: 
    # this valid line of code is actually where the problem 
    # is as it hides your spacecraft class with a local variable instead. 
    spacecraft = some pygame.Surface instance 
    spacecraft1 = spacecraft(...) 

所以如果我有這個權利重寫pygame.Surface? – cmdtvt


不,我已更新我的回覆以說明可能發生的情況。 –


我的課沒有得到任何東西/ def的應該恢復'宇宙飛船=別的東西至少我看不到它。我的所有課程都在我的主要職位上。 – cmdtvt
