// This is what is passed to each function.
// Do not assume the array is in order.
var a = (0).To(999999).ToArray().Shuffle();
// Approx times in release mode (on my machine):
// Functional is avg 20ms per call
// Iterative is avg 5ms per call
// Linq is avg 14ms per call
private static List<int> Iterative(int[] a)
var squares = new List<int>(a.Length);
for (int i = 0; i < a.Length; i++)
var n = a[i];
if (n % 2 == 0)
int square = n * n;
if (square < 1000000)
return squares;
private static List<int> Functional(int[] a)
.Where(x => x % 2 == 0 && x * x < 1000000)
.Select(x => x * x)
private static List<int> Linq(int[] a)
var squares =
from num in a
where num % 2 == 0 && num * num < 1000000
select num * num;
return squares.ToList();
'迭代'將'n'加到'方塊',而不是「方塊」。這是打算嗎? – dtb
不要執行'n * n',首先計算'sqrt(1000000)'(對於常量/變量),並在比較中使用它。我不打算說它會爲這裏的表演做任何事情,但是在某些情況下可以倒過來數學。 (假設'n'是肯定的。) – 2012-06-21 16:39:31
@dtb你說得對,我的錯。它應該收集廣場。這就是預期的。 – lucidquiet