到目前爲止,這可以讀取更簡單的十進制數字,如$ 10.00,$ 220.50,$ 14.25。但是當它變成12.76美元,320.84美元,47.53美元等數字時,它甚至不會運行。不知道是什麼原因導致這個錯誤,Moneyconverter程序C
#define TWENTY_BILL 20.00
#define TEN_BILL 10.00
#define FIVE_BILL 5.00
#define ONE_BILL 1.00
#define QUARTER_COIN 0.25
#define DIME_COIN 0.10
#define NICKEL_COIN 0.05
#define PENNY_COIN 0.01
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "Value.h"
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
*Checks if argc has just one argument
*If not, give error message
if (argc < 2) {
printf("Error: One argument required.");
return 0;//If more than 1 argument, stops it
}//end if
* Converts argv[1] into double input
* Then input2 is created as a float
* input is transferred to input2
* Floor function is used, Multiplies
* input2 by 100 and then divide by 100 to
* leave only 2 decimal places
* Then Prints input2, %6.2f sets the field width
* for 2 decimal places
double input = atof(argv[1]);
float input2;
input2 = input;
input2 = floor(input2 * 100)/100;
printf("You have entered: %6.2f\n", input2);
* Creates variables for dollar
* bill and coin set to 0
int twentycount = 0;
int tencount = 0;
int fivecount = 0;
int onecount = 0;
int quartercount = 0;
int dimecount = 0;
int nickelcount = 0;
int pennycount = 0;
//Loops when input is greater than 0.0
while (input2 > 0.0)
/*Twenty Dollar Bill
* When $20 is less than input2,
* input2 - $20 = new input2
* Add count to twentycount
if (TWENTY_BILL <= input2)
input2 = input2 - TWENTY_BILL;
}//end if twenty
/*Ten Dollar Bill
* When $10 is less than input2,
* input2 - $10 = new input2
* Add count to tencount
else if (TEN_BILL <= input2)
input2 = input2 - TEN_BILL;
}//end if ten
/*Five Dollar Bill
* When $5 is less than input2,
* input2 - $5 = new input2
* Add count to fivecount
else if (FIVE_BILL <= input2)
input2 = input2 - FIVE_BILL;
}//end if five
/*One Dollar Bill
* When $1 is less than input2,
* input2 - $1 = new input2
* Add count to onecount
else if (ONE_BILL <= input2)
input2 = input2 - ONE_BILL;
}//end if one
/*Quarter Coin
* When $0.25 is less than input2,
* input2 - $0.25 = new input2
* Add count to quartercount
else if (QUARTER_COIN <= input2)
input2 = input2 - QUARTER_COIN;
}//end if quarter
/*Dime Coin
* When $0.10 is less than input2,
* input2 - $0.10 = new input2
* Add count to dimecount
else if (DIME_COIN <= input2)
input2 = input2 - DIME_COIN;
}//end if dime
/*Nickel Coin
* When $0.05 is less than input2,
* input2 - $0.05 = new input2
* Add count to nickelcount
else if (NICKEL_COIN <= input2)
input2 = input2 - NICKEL_COIN;
}//end if nickel
/*Penny Coin
* When $0.01 is less than input2,
* input2 - $0.01 = new input2
* Add count to pennycount
else if (PENNY_COIN <= input2)
input2 = input2 - PENNY_COIN;
}//end if penny
* If anything else
* Print Invalid Change
printf("Invalid change");
}//end while loop
* If twentycount is more than 0
* Print amount of $20 bills used
if (twentycount > 0)
printf("Amount of $20: %i\n", twentycount);
}//end twentycount
* If tencount is more than 0
* Print amount of $10 bills used
if (tencount > 0)
printf("Amount of $10: %i\n", tencount);
}//end tencount
* If fivecount is more than 0
* Print amount of $5 bills used
if (fivecount > 0)
printf("Amount of $5: %i\n", fivecount);
}//end fivecount
* If onecount is more than 0
* Print amount of $1 bills used
if (onecount > 0)
printf("Amount of $1: %i\n", onecount);
}//end onecount
* If quartercount is more than 0
* Print amount of $0.25 bills used
if (quartercount > 0)
printf("Amount of $0.25: %i\n", quartercount);
}//end quartercount
* If dimecount is more than 0
* Print amount of $0.10 bills used
if (dimecount > 0)
printf("Amount of $0.10: %i\n", dimecount);
}//end dimecount
* If nickelcount is more than 0
* Print amount of $0.05 bills used
if (nickelcount > 0)
printf("Amount of $0.05: %i\n", nickelcount);
}//end nickelcount
* If pennycount is more than 0
* Print amount of $0.01 bills used
if (pennycount > 0)
printf("Amount of $0.01: %i\n", pennycount);
}//end pennycount
return 0;
}//end main
「甚至不會跑」是什麼意思? –
請更具體一點,它不會立即崩潰而運行?它永遠不會結束?還有其他的東西嗎? – AnthonyM
好吧,我想我用了一個錯誤的單詞選擇,我的意思是沒有顯示任何東西 – user2031589