2012-11-21 79 views


我在Outlook 20頁不同的文件夾,每個人都有相同的電子郵件車身結構和格式。 每個電子郵件正文有3到7個超鏈接 我想要導出這些超鏈接之一(它易於識別,因爲它具有相同的起始/特定的單詞 - 如果我們導出這個特定的超鏈接或全部都沒關係因爲我們以後可以在Excel中編輯它們)。









夥計們我使用codetwo outlook exporter來執行此任務。我以某種方式偶然發現了它。謝謝Marc nd Expfresh!你的解決方案是偉大的,但我甚至在嘗試他們之前找到了另一種方式..這是非常好的,這個論壇有幫助的人。只針對面臨同樣問題的人:使用CODETWO展望出口商。 - 做這份工作。問候 - 艾迪



- >你必須選擇其中的超鏈接存在的電子郵件。通過選擇電子郵件righclick並選擇發送到一個註釋

- >單筆記將打開。翻閱One-note的本節(右側)中的頁面標籤。選擇所有郵件(頁面)並右鍵單擊 - >複製

  1. 現在你可以粘貼到記事本複製的項目。
  2. 現在你可以將記事本中的所有內容複製到excel中。
  3. 你可以找到或應用過濾器,過濾器 - > textfilter->包含所需的單詞或短語(其容易識別,因爲它有一個同一個起跑線/特定字內)

  4. 如果你直接複製onenote爲excel意味着所有的表格,附件等將被粘貼,那麼很難過濾或找到所需的超鏈接。

  5. ,因爲你說的20個文件夾是不可能的文件夾發送到的OneNote,u需要打開文件夾20則U可以選擇任意數量的每個文件夾中的電子郵件。



因爲它超出了大小限制,我不能適合我的一個答案解決方案。 這是我答案的第一部分。我已將一段代碼移至第二個答案。




在Outlook中,打開VBA編輯器,插入一個模塊並將第一個代碼塊複製到其中。您還需要點擊Tools,然後點擊References。在頂部附近是否是「Microsoft Excel nn.n Object Library」?是否打勾?如果未勾選,您必須滾動完成列表,找到該參考並勾選它。 「nn.n」的值將取決於您使用的Excel版本。只有當你安裝了多個版本的Excel時,你纔有選擇。






Call FindInterestingFolders(FolderList, True, False, "|", _ 
     "Personal Folders|!Family", "Personal Folders|!Tony|Amazon") 



Personal Folders|!Family|Chloe & Euan 
Personal Folders|!Family|Geoff 
Personal Folders|!Family|Lucy & Mark 
Personal Folders|!Tony|Amazon 
Personal Folders|!Tony|Amazon|Trueshopping Ltd 



Sub ExtractHyperLinks1() 

    ' Outputs a sorted list of interesting folders to the Immediate Window. 

    Dim FolderList() As MAPIFolderDtl 
    Dim InxFL As Long 

    ' Set FolderList to a list of interesting folders. 
    ' The True means a folder has to containing mail items to be interesting. 
    ' The False means I am uninterested in meeting items. 
    ' The "|" defines the name separator used in the list of folder names 
    ' that follow. 
    Call FindInterestingFolders(FolderList, True, False, "|", _ 
      "Personal Folders|!Family", "Personal Folders|!Tony|Amazon") 

    For InxFL = LBound(FolderList) To UBound(FolderList) 
    With FolderList(InxFL) 
     Debug.Print .NameParent & "|" & .Folder.Name 
    End With 

End Sub 



Tony Dallimore 13/02/2012 15:42:00 RE: Product details enquiry from Amazon customer ... 
    <A HREF="mailto:[email protected]">ma 
    <A HREF="http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/help/customer/display.ht 
    <A HREF="http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/help/customer/display.ht 
    Trueshopping Ltd - Amazon Marketplace 14/02/2012 09:08:39 RE: Product details enquiry ... 
    <A HREF="http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/help/customer/display.ht 
    <A HREF="http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/help/customer/display.ht 




Sub ExtractHyperLinks2() 

    ' Gets a list of interesting folders. 
    ' Searches the list for mail items with Html bodies that contain an anchor. 
    ' For each such mail item it outputs to the Immediate Window: 
    ' Name of folder (if not already output for an earlier mail item) 
    '  Sender ReceivedTime Subject 
    '  First 60 characters of first anchor 
    '  First 60 characters of second anchor 
    '  First 60 characters of third anchor 

    Dim FolderList() As MAPIFolderDtl 
    Dim FolderNameOutput As Boolean 
    Dim InxFL As Long 
    Dim InxItem As Long 
    Dim PosAnchor As Long 

    Call FindInterestingFolders(FolderList, True, False, "|", _ 
      "Personal Folders|!Family", "Personal Folders|!Tony|Amazon") 

    For InxFL = LBound(FolderList) To UBound(FolderList) 
    FolderNameOutput = False 
    With FolderList(InxFL).Folder 
     For InxItem = 1 To .Items.Count 
     With .Items.Item(InxItem) 
      If .Class = olMail Then 
      If .HtmlBody <> "" Then 
       ' This mail item has an Html body so might have a hyperlink. 
       If InStr(1, LCase(.HtmlBody), "<a ") <> 0 Then 
       ' It has at least one anchor 
       If Not FolderNameOutput Then 
        Debug.Print FolderList(InxFL).NameParent & "|" & _ 
        FolderNameOutput = True 
       End If 
       Debug.Print " " & .SenderName & " " & _ 
          .ReceivedTime & " " & .Subject 
       PosAnchor = InStr(1, LCase(.HtmlBody), "<a ") 
       Do While PosAnchor <> 0 
        Debug.Print " " & Mid(.HtmlBody, PosAnchor, 60) 
        PosAnchor = InStr(PosAnchor + 1, LCase(.HtmlBody), "<a ") 
       End If 
      End If 
      End If 
     End With 
    End With 

End Sub 


宏3所做的是從錨標記中提取URL並放棄那些啓動「mailto:」的URL。 Html允許比我允許的更多的變化,因爲我從來沒有看到過利用這種靈活性的電子郵件。如果您的電子郵件與我期望的不同,那麼您可能需要增強我的代碼。您只需要從每封電子郵件中選擇一個網址,以便您可以添加代碼以放棄其他網址。


Tony Dallimore 13/02/2012 15:42:00 RE: Product details enquiry from ... 
    Trueshopping Ltd - Amazon Marketplace 14/02/2012 09:08:39 RE: Product ... 


Sub ExtractHyperLinks3() 

    ' Gets a list of interesting folders. 
    ' Searches the list for mail items with Html bodies that contain an 
    ' acceptable anchor. An acceptable anchor is one for which the url 
    ' does not start "mailto:". 
    ' For each acceptable anchor it outputs to the Immediate Window: 
    ' Name of folder (if not already output for an earlier mail item) 
    '  Sender ReceivedTime Subject (if not already output) 
    '  Url from acceptable anchor 

    Dim FolderList() As MAPIFolderDtl 
    Dim FolderNameOutput As Boolean 
    Dim InxFL As Long 
    Dim InxItem As Long 
    Dim ItemHeaderOutput As Boolean 
    Dim LcHtmlBody As String 
    Dim PosAnchor As Long 
    Dim PosTrailingQuote As Long 
    Dim PosUrl As Long 
    Dim Quote As String 
    Dim Url As String 
    Call FindInterestingFolders(FolderList, True, False, "|", _ 
      "Personal Folders|!Family", "Personal Folders|!Tony|Amazon") 

    For InxFL = LBound(FolderList) To UBound(FolderList) 
    FolderNameOutput = False 
    With FolderList(InxFL).Folder 
     For InxItem = 1 To .Items.Count 
     ItemHeaderOutput = False 
     With .Items.Item(InxItem) 
      If .Class = olMail Then 
      If .HtmlBody <> "" Then 
       ' This mail item has an Html body so might contain hyperlinks. 
       LcHtmlBody = LCase(.HtmlBody) 
       If InStr(1, LcHtmlBody, "<a ") <> 0 Then 
       ' It has at least one anchor 
       PosAnchor = InStr(1, LCase(.HtmlBody), "<a ") 
       Do While PosAnchor <> 0 
        PosUrl = InStr(PosAnchor, LcHtmlBody, "href=") 
        PosUrl = PosUrl + 5 
        Quote = Mid(LcHtmlBody, PosUrl, 1) ' Extract quote used in html 
        PosUrl = PosUrl + 1 
        PosTrailingQuote = InStr(PosUrl, LcHtmlBody, Quote) 
        Url = Mid(.HtmlBody, PosUrl, PosTrailingQuote - PosUrl) 
        If Left(LCase(Url), 7) <> "mailto:" Then 
        ' I am interested in this url 
        If Not FolderNameOutput Then 
         Debug.Print FolderList(InxFL).NameParent & "|" & _ 
         FolderNameOutput = True 
        End If 
        If Not ItemHeaderOutput Then 
         Debug.Print " " & .SenderName & " " & _ 
           .ReceivedTime & " " & .Subject 
         ItemHeaderOutput = True 
        End If 
        Debug.Print " " & Url 
        End If 
        PosAnchor = InStr(PosTrailingQuote, LCase(.HtmlBody), "<a ") 
       End If 
      End If 
      End If 
     End With 
    End With 

End Sub 



Const WkBkPathFile As String = "C:\DataArea\Play\Combined 10 V02.xls" 



Const WkShtName As String = "URLs" 




  • 將隱藏的工作表添加到工作簿。該工作表的
  • 設置單元格A1到「最新處理的電子郵件」,並設置B1至1-JAN-2000。
  • 添加到其丟棄無趣的電子郵件,用於接收的時間在此日期/時間之後是一個測試的代碼。
  • 記錄任何處理的電子郵件的最新接收時間。
  • 寫任何處理的電子郵件到隱藏的工作表的單元B1的最新接收時間。



Sub ExtractHyperLinks() 

    ' Open destination workbook. 
    ' Find last used row in destination worksheet. 
    ' Gets a list of interesting folders. 
    ' Searches the list for mail items with Html bodies that contain an 
    ' acceptable anchor. An acceptable anchor is one for which the url 
    ' does not start "mailto:". 
    ' For each acceptable anchor it outputs to the workbook: 
    ' Column 1 := Name of folder 
    ' Column 2 := Sender 
    ' Column 3 := ReceivedTime 
    ' Column 4 := Url 

    Dim ExcelWkBk As Excel.Workbook 
    Dim FolderList() As MAPIFolderDtl 
    Dim FolderName As String 
    Dim InterestingURL As Boolean 
    Dim InxOutput As Long 
    Dim InxFL As Long 
    Dim InxItem As Long 
    Dim ItemCrnt As MailItem 
    Dim LcHtmlBody As String 
    Dim OutputValue(1 To 50, 1 To 4) 
    Dim PosAnchor As Long 
    Dim PosTrailingQuote As Long 
    Dim PosUrl As Long 
    Dim Quote As String 
    Dim RowNext As Long 
    Dim TargetAddr As String 
    Dim Url As String 

    ' Replace constant value with path and file name of your workbook. 
    Const WkBkPathFile As String = "C:\DataArea\Play\Combined 10 V02.xls" 
    Const WkShtName As String = "URLs" 

    Set ExcelWkBk = Application.CreateObject("Excel.Application"). _ 

    With ExcelWkBk 
    .Application.Visible = True   ' Slows the macro but helps during testing 
    With .Worksheets(WkShtName) 
     ' Find last used row in destination worksheet by going to bottom of sheet 
     ' then moving up until a non-empty row is found then going down one. 
     ' .End(xlUp) is VBA equivalent of Ctrl+Up. 
     RowNext = .Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row + 1 
    End With 
    End With 

    Call FindInterestingFolders(FolderList, True, False, "|", _ 
      "Personal Folders|!Family", "Personal Folders|!Tony|Amazon") 

    InxOutput = 0 

    For InxFL = LBound(FolderList) To UBound(FolderList) 

    FolderName = FolderList(InxFL).NameParent & "|" & FolderList(InxFL).Folder.Name 

    With FolderList(InxFL).Folder 

     For InxItem = 1 To .Items.Count 
     With .Items.Item(InxItem) 
      If .Class = olMail Then 
      If .HtmlBody <> "" Then 
       ' This mail item has an Html body so might contain hyperlinks. 
       LcHtmlBody = LCase(.HtmlBody) 
       If InStr(1, LcHtmlBody, "<a ") <> 0 Then 
       ' It has at least one anchor 
       PosAnchor = InStr(1, LCase(.HtmlBody), "<a ") 
       Do While PosAnchor <> 0 
        PosUrl = InStr(PosAnchor, LcHtmlBody, "href=") 
        PosUrl = PosUrl + 5 
        Quote = Mid(LcHtmlBody, PosUrl, 1) ' Extract quote used in html 
        PosUrl = PosUrl + 1 
        PosTrailingQuote = InStr(PosUrl, LcHtmlBody, Quote) 
        Url = Mid(.HtmlBody, PosUrl, PosTrailingQuote - PosUrl) 
        InterestingURL = True  ' Assume interesting until find otherwise 
        If Left(LCase(Url), 7) = "mailto:" Then 
        InterestingURL = False 
        End If 

        ' ********************************************************** 
        ' Set InterestingURL = False for any other urls you want 
        ' to reject. If you can tell a URL is ininteresting by 
        ' looking at it, you can use code like mine. 
        ' ********************************************************** 

        If InterestingURL Then 

        ' This URL and supporting data is to be output to the 
        ' workbook. 
        ' Rather than output data to the workbook cell by cell, 
        ' which can be slow, I build it up in the array 
        ' OutputValue(1 to 50, 1 To 4). It is normal in a 2D array 
        ' for the first dimension to be for columns and the second 
        ' for rows. Arrays to be read from or written to a worksheet 
        ' are the other way round. You can resize the second 
        ' dimension of a dynamic array but not the first so you 
        ' cannot resize an array being built for a workbook. I 
        ' cannot resize the array so I have fixed its size at 
        ' compile time. 
        ' This code fills the array, writes it out to the workbook 
        ' and resets the array index. I have 50 rows because I 
        ' wanted to test the filling and refilling of the array. I 
        ' would suggest you make it bigger. 

        InxOutput = InxOutput + 1 
        If InxOutput > UBound(OutputValue, 1) Then 
         ' Array is fill. Output it to workbook 
         TargetAddr = "A" & RowNext & ":D" & _ 
            RowNext + UBound(OutputValue, 1) - 1 
         ExcelWkBk.Worksheets(WkShtName). _ 
              Range(TargetAddr).Value = OutputValue 
         RowNext = RowNext + 50 
         InxOutput = 1 
        End If 
        OutputValue(InxOutput, 1) = FolderName 
        OutputValue(InxOutput, 2) = .SenderName 
        OutputValue(InxOutput, 3) = .ReceivedTime 
        OutputValue(InxOutput, 4) = Url 
        End If 
        PosAnchor = InStr(PosTrailingQuote, LCase(.HtmlBody), "<a") 
       End If 
      End If 
      End If 
     End With 
    End With 

    ExcelWkBk.Save    ' Save changes over the top of the original file. 
    ExcelWkBk.Close (False) ' Don't save changes 
    Set ExcelWkBk = Nothing ' Release resource 

End Sub 

我無法在單個答案中使用我的解決方案,因爲它超過了大小限制。 這是我答案的第2部分。它包含第1部分中描述的代碼塊。首先閱讀Part 1

Option Explicit 
Public Type MAPIFolderDtl 
    NameParent As String 
    Folder As MAPIFolder 
    NumMail As Long 
    NumMeet As Long 
End Type 
' ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
' ## Insert other routines here 
' ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
Sub FindInterestingFolders(ByRef IntFolderList() As MAPIFolderDtl, _ 
          WantMail As Boolean, WantMeet As Boolean, _ 
          NameSep As String, _ 
          ParamArray NameFullList() As Variant) 

    ' * Return a list of interesting folders. 
    ' * To be interesting a folder must be named or be a subfolder of a named 
    ' folder and contain mail and or meeting items if wanted. 
    ' * Note: a top level folder cannot be returned as interesting because such 
    ' folders are not of type MAPIFolder. 
    ' * IntFolders() The list of interesting folders. See Type MAPIFolderDtl for 
    '     contents. 
    ' * WantMail  True if a folder containing mail items is to be classified 
    '     as interesting. 
    ' * WantMeet  True if a folder containing meeting items is to be classified 
    '     as interesting. 
    ' * NameSep  SubFolder Names in NameList are of the form: 
    '     "Personal Folders" & NameSep & "Inbox" 
    '     NameSep can be any character not used in a folder name. It 
    '     appears any character could be used in a folder name including 
    '     punctuation characters. If in doubt, try Tab. 
    ' * NameFullList One or more full names of folders which might themselves be 
    '     interesting or might be the parent an interesting folders. 

    Dim InxTLFList() As Long 
    Dim InxIFLCrnt As Long 
    Dim InxNFLCrnt As Long 
    Dim InxTLFCrnt As Variant 
    Dim NameFullCrnt As String 
    Dim NamePartFirst As String 
    Dim NamePartRest As String 
    Dim Pos As Long 
    Dim TopLvlFolderList As Folders 

    InxIFLCrnt = 0  ' Nothing in IntFolderList() 
    Set TopLvlFolderList = CreateObject("Outlook.Application").GetNamespace("MAPI").Folders 

    For InxNFLCrnt = LBound(NameFullList) To UBound(NameFullList) 
    NameFullCrnt = NameFullList(InxNFLCrnt)  ' Get next name 
    ' Split name into first part and the rest. For Example, 
    ' "Personal Folders|NHSIC|Commisioning" will be split into: 
    ' NamePartFirst: Personal Folders 
    ' NamePartRest: NHSIC|Commissioning 
    Pos = InStr(1, NameFullCrnt, NameSep) 
    If Pos = 0 Then 
     NamePartFirst = NameFullCrnt 
     NamePartRest = "" 
     NamePartFirst = Mid(NameFullCrnt, 1, Pos - 1) 
     NamePartRest = Mid(NameFullCrnt, Pos + 1) 
    End If 

    ' Create list of indices into TopLvlFolderList in 
    ' ascending sequence by folder name 
    Call SimpleSortFolders(TopLvlFolderList, InxTLFList) 

    ' NamePartFirst should be the name of a top level 
    ' folder or empty. Ignore if it is not. 
    For Each InxTLFCrnt In InxTLFList 
     If NamePartFirst = "" Or _ 
     TopLvlFolderList.Item(InxTLFCrnt).Name = NamePartFirst Then 
     ' All subfolders are a different type so they 
     ' are handled by FindInterestingSubFolder 
     Call FindInterestingSubFolders(IntFolderList, InxIFLCrnt, _ 
             "", TopLvlFolderList.Item(InxTLFCrnt), WantMail, _ 
             WantMeet, NameSep, NamePartRest) 
     End If 

    If InxIFLCrnt = 0 Then 
    ' No folders found 
    ReDim IntFolderList(0 To 0) 
    ReDim Preserve IntFolderList(1 To InxIFLCrnt) ' Discard unused entries 
    'For InxIFLCrnt = 1 To UBound(IntFolderList) 
    ' Debug.Print IntFolderList(InxIFLCrnt).NameParent & "|" & _ 
    '    IntFolderList(InxIFLCrnt).Folder.Name & " " & _ 
    '    IntFolderList(InxIFLCrnt).NumMail & " " & _ 
    '    IntFolderList(InxIFLCrnt).NumMeet 
    End If 

End Sub 
Sub FindInterestingSubFolders(ByRef IntFolderList() As MAPIFolderDtl, _ 
           InxIFLCrnt As Long, NameParent As String, _ 
           MAPIFolderCrnt As MAPIFolder, WantMail As Boolean, _ 
           WantMeet As Boolean, NameSep As String, _ 
           NameChild As String) 

    ' * NameFull = "" 
    '  MAPIFolderCrnt and all its subfolders are potentially of interest 
    ' * NameFull <> "" 
    '  Look further down hierarchy for subfolders of potential interest 

    ' This routine can be called repeately by a parent routine to explore different parts 
    ' of the folder hierarchy. It calls itself recursively to work down the hierarchy. 

    ' IntFolderList ' Array of interesting folders. 
    ' InxIFLCrnt  ' On the first call, InxIFLCrnt will be zero and the state of 
        ' IntFolderList will be undefined. 
    ' NameParent  ' ... Grandparent & NameSep & Parent 
    ' MAPIFolderCrnt ' The current folder that is to be explored. 
    ' WantMail   ' True if a folder has to contain mail to be interesting 
    ' WantMeet   ' True if a folder has to contain meeting items to be interesting 
    ' NameSep   ' The name separator character 
    ' NameChild  ' Suppose the original path was xxx|yyy|zzz. For each recurse down 
        ' a name is removed from the start of NameChild and added to the end 
        ' of NameParent. When NameChild is blank, the target folder has 
        ' been reached. 

    Dim InxSFList() As Long 
    Dim InxSFCrnt As Variant 
    Dim NameCrnt As String 
    Dim NamePartFirst As String 
    Dim NamePartRest As String 
    Dim NumMail As Long 
    Dim NumMeet As Long 
    Dim Pos As Long 

    Pos = InStr(1, NameChild, NameSep) 
    If Pos = 0 Then 
    NamePartFirst = NameChild 
    NamePartRest = "" 
    NamePartFirst = Mid(NameChild, 1, Pos - 1) 
    NamePartRest = Mid(NameChild, Pos + 1) 
    End If 

    If NameParent = "" Then 
    ' This folder has no parent. It cannot be interesting. 
    NameCrnt = MAPIFolderCrnt.Name 
    ' This folder has a parent. It could be interesting. 
    NameCrnt = NameParent & NameSep & MAPIFolderCrnt.Name 
    If NamePartFirst = "" Then 
     If FolderHasRequiredItems(MAPIFolderCrnt, WantMail, _ 
              WantMeet, NumMail, NumMeet) Then 
     ' Debug.Print NameCrnt & " interesting" 
     If InxIFLCrnt = 0 Then 
      ReDim IntFolderList(1 To 100) 
     End If 
     InxIFLCrnt = InxIFLCrnt + 1 
     If InxIFLCrnt > UBound(IntFolderList) Then 
      ReDim Preserve IntFolderList(1 To 100 + UBound(IntFolderList)) 
     End If 
     IntFolderList(InxIFLCrnt).NameParent = NameParent 
     Set IntFolderList(InxIFLCrnt).Folder = MAPIFolderCrnt 
     IntFolderList(InxIFLCrnt).NumMail = NumMail 
     IntFolderList(InxIFLCrnt).NumMeet = NumMeet 
     ' Debug.Print NameCrnt & " not interesting" 
     End If 
    End If 
    End If 

    If MAPIFolderCrnt.Folders.Count = 0 Then 
    ' No subfolders 
    Call SimpleSortMAPIFolders(MAPIFolderCrnt, InxSFList) 
    For Each InxSFCrnt In InxSFList 
     If NamePartFirst = "" Or _ 
     MAPIFolderCrnt.Folders(InxSFCrnt).Name = NamePartFirst Then 
     Select Case NamePartFirst 
      ' Ignore folders that can cause problems 
      Case "Sync Issues" 
      Case "RSS Feeds" 
      Case "Public Folders" 
      Case Else 
      ' Recurse to analyse next level down 
      Call FindInterestingSubFolders(IntFolderList, InxIFLCrnt, NameCrnt, _ 
              MAPIFolderCrnt.Folders(InxSFCrnt), WantMail, _ 
              WantMeet, NameSep, NamePartRest) 
     End Select 
     End If 
    End If 

End Sub 
Function FolderHasRequiredItems(MAPIFolderCrnt As MAPIFolder, WantMail As Boolean, _ 
           WantMeet As Boolean, ByRef NumMail As Long, _ 
           ByRef NumMeet As Long) As Boolean 

    ' Return True if folder is interested. That is: at least one of the following is true: 
    ' WantMail = True And NumMail > 0 
    ' WantMeet = True And NumMeet > 0 
    ' Values for NumMail and NumMeet are set whether or not the folder is interesting 

    Dim FolderItem As Object 
    Dim FolderItemClass As Long 
    Dim InxItemCrnt As Long 

    NumMail = 0 
    NumMeet = 0 

    ' Count mail and meeting items in folder 
    For InxItemCrnt = 1 To MAPIFolderCrnt.Items.Count 
    Set FolderItem = MAPIFolderCrnt.Items.Item(InxItemCrnt) 

    ' This seems to avoid syncronisation errors 
    FolderItemClass = 0 
    On Error Resume Next 
    FolderItemClass = FolderItem.Class 
    On Error GoTo 0 

    Select Case FolderItemClass 
     Case olMail 
     NumMail = NumMail + 1 
     Case olMeetingResponsePositive, olMeetingRequest, olMeetingCancellation, _ 
      olMeetingResponseNegative, olMeetingResponseTentative 
     NumMeet = NumMeet + 1 
    End Select 

    If WantMail And NumMail > 0 Then 
    FolderHasRequiredItems = True 
    Exit Function 
    End If 
    If WantMeet And NumMeet > 0 Then 
    FolderHasRequiredItems = True 
    Exit Function 
    End If 
    FolderHasRequiredItems = False 

End Function 
Sub SimpleSortMAPIFolders(MAPIFolderList As MAPIFolder, _ 
              ByRef InxArray() As Long) 

    ' On exit InxArray contains the indices into MAPIFolderList sequenced by 
    ' ascending name. The sort is performed by repeated passes of the list 
    ' of indices that swap adjacent entries if the higher come first. 
    ' Not an efficient sort but adequate for short lists. 

    Dim InxIACrnt As Long 
    Dim InxIALast As Long 
    Dim NoSwap As Boolean 
    Dim TempInt As Long 

    Debug.Assert MAPIFolderList.Folders.Count >= 1 ' Must be at least one folder 

    ReDim InxArray(1 To MAPIFolderList.Folders.Count) ' One entry per folder 
    ' Fill array with indices 
    For InxIACrnt = 1 To UBound(InxArray) 
    InxArray(InxIACrnt) = InxIACrnt 

    ' Each repeat of the loop movest the folder with the highest name 
    ' to the end of the list. Each repeat checks one less entry. 
    ' Each repeats partially sorts the leading entries and may result 
    ' in the list being sorted before all loops have been performed. 
    For InxIALast = UBound(InxArray) To 1 Step -1 
    NoSwap = True 
    For InxIACrnt = 1 To InxIALast - 1 
     If MAPIFolderList.Folders(InxArray(InxIACrnt)).Name > _ 
     MAPIFolderList.Folders(InxArray(InxIACrnt + 1)).Name Then 
     NoSwap = False 
     ' Move higher entry one slot towards the end 
     TempInt = InxArray(InxIACrnt) 
     InxArray(InxIACrnt) = InxArray(InxIACrnt + 1) 
     InxArray(InxIACrnt + 1) = TempInt 
     End If 
    If NoSwap Then 
     Exit For 
    End If 

End Sub 

夥計們我使用codetwo outlook exporter來執行此任務。我以某種方式偶然發現了它。謝謝Marc nd Expfresh!你的解決方案是偉大的,但我甚至在嘗試他們之前找到了另一種方式..這是非常好的,這個論壇有幫助的人。 只針對面臨同樣問題的人:使用CODETWO展望出口商。 - 做這份工作。 關於 - Addy – AddyTiger
