- 然後找到一切(字)的範圍內細胞(細胞在此範圍內有三個逗號)
- 結果數組並將它們全部粘貼到另一個名爲主列表的文件中
Sub CopyWordsToMainFileRow()
Dim Cell As Range
Dim counter As Integer
Dim word As String
Dim arrayOfIngredients() As Variant 'array of words from search
Dim fileName As String
Dim arrayOfFileNames As Variant
Dim MainCounter As Integer
Dim p As String, x As Variant
MainCounter = 0
counter = 0
' Make array of file names
p = "/Users/waf04/Desktop/*.xls"
arrayOfFileNames = GetFileList(p)
Select Case IsArray(arrayOfFileNames)
Case True 'files found
MsgBox UBound(arrayOfFileNames)
For i = LBound(arrayOfFileNames) To UBound(arrayOfFileNames)
Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(i, 1).Value = arrayOfFileNames(i)
Next i
Case False 'no files found
MsgBox "No matching files"
End Select
'end make array of file names
'Create array from cells in each file
For fileNameCounter = 0 To UBound(arrayOfFileNames)
fileName = arrayOfFileNames(MainCounter)
Workbooks.Open fileName:="fileName"
arrayOfIngredients = Range("AT2:EP200").Value 'add value of cells to array
'make array of results for each file
For Each Cell In Range("AT2:EP200")
word = Cell.Value ' make this string equal to the value of everything before the first comma in that cell
arrayOfIngredients(counter) = word 'add string to array
counter = counter + 1
Next Cell
Workbooks.Close fileName:="fileName"
Next fileNameCounter
'Output unsorted array
Workbooks.Open fileName:="/Users/waf04/Desktop/ingredients_collection.xlsx"
Range("A1:A" & UBound(arrayOfIngredients) + 1) = _
End Sub
有一點是不明確的:要掃描一系列文件,並提取了一些話。你想如何合併每個文件的輸出?說'file1'單元格'AT2' ='Foo,blah'和'file2'單元格'AT2' ='Bar,blah'。你想要什麼結果?它是'FooBar','Foo Bar','Foo,Bar'還是來自每個文件的每一個單詞都附加到'ingredients_collection'中的下一個單元格區域,或者其他什麼? –
美孚,酒吧等......我也在Mac上工作,不知道是否閱讀該文件夾的路徑是不同的。 arraywithresults(0)= foo arraywithresults(1)=酒吧感謝 –