2011-12-03 113 views


<input type=text name="textbox" id="textbox"> 
<select id="combobox"> 
<option value = 1>1</option> 
<option value = 2>2</option> 
<option value = 3>3</option> 





你能解釋一下你的問題嗎?你的代碼似乎完成了你所要求的。 – Blender


是的!甚至爲組合框的鼠標懸停準備就緒。但我想在組合框中選擇一個值是行不通的。 Combobox將被隱藏起來。 – maolddv


好的,那樣更好。所以你也想顯示組合框。它何時應該彈出? – Blender



您可以使用setTimeout()延遲顯示/隱藏功能,以確定用戶是否具有mouseover版的<option> S:

$(function() { 

    //create a variable to store a reference to a timeout 
    var box_timer; 

    //bind an event handler for the `mouseout` event to the `#combobox` element 

     //set a timeout to hide the `#combobox`, show the `#textbox`, and set the value of the `#textbox` to the value of the `#combobox` 
     box_timer = setTimeout(function() { 

      //hide the `#combobox` and get it's value 
      var box_val = $("#combobox").hide().val(); 

      //show the `#textbox` and set it's value 
     }, 100); 

    //bind event handler to the `mouseover` event for the `#combobox` element 
    }).mouseover(function() { 

     //clear the timer because the user has move the cursor from a `#combobox > option` element to the `#combobox` element 

    //bind an event handler for the `mouseover` event on the `#textbox` element 

    //bind an event handler to all the `<option>` elements on the `mouseover` event 
    }).children().mouseover(function (event) { 

     //clear the timer because the user has move the cursor from a `#combobox > option` element or the `#combobox` element 

    //bind an event handler to all the `<option>` elements on the `mouseout` event 
    }).mouseout(function() { 

     //set the timer to do the same thing as `mouseout`ing the `#combobox` element 
     box_timer = setTimeout(function() { 

      //trigger a `mouseout` event on the `#combobox` element 
     }, 100); 



我無法點擊組合框。 – Blender


謝謝賈斯珀。我會立即檢查! – maolddv


它工作。大。!非常感謝。 – maolddv