2017-03-01 35 views




--Look for files that don't have .MP4, find their MTS counterpart. 

set totalFiles to {"41 - The words.MTS", "41 - The words.MP4", "445 - Life on the rails.MTS", "445 - Life on the rails.mp4", "6354-Seasons.MTS"} -- List of all files in folder 

set clickList to {} 

--log totalFiles 
--log vidlist 

on siftfiles(totalFiles) 
    --Sift through everything and find mp4s, then add to a list. Do the same for MTS but add separately. 
    set MTSlist to {} 
    set MP4list to {} 
    repeat with vidname in totalFiles 
     if (vidname contains ".MP4") or (vidname contains ".mp4") then 
      set end of MP4list to vidname as string 
     end if 
     if vidname contains ".MTS" then 
      set end of MTSlist to vidname as string 
     end if 
    end repeat 
    set returnlist to {MP4list, MTSlist} 
    return returnlist 
end siftfiles 

set MP4slist to item 1 of siftfiles(totalFiles) 
set MTSlist to item 2 of siftfiles(totalFiles) 


--Compare the two lists 
set clickList to {} 
set i to 1 
repeat with thename in MTSlist 
    set MP4name to characters 1 thru -5 of item i of MP4slist as string 
    set MTSname to characters 1 thru -5 of item i of MTSlist as string 
    if MP4name is not MTSname then 
     set end of clickList to (thename as string) 
    end if 
    set i to i + 1 
end repeat 







- 查找沒有.MP4的文件,找到他們的MTS副本。

set totalFiles to {"41 - The words.MTS", "41 - The words.MP4", "445 - Life on the rails.MTS", "445 - Life on the rails.mp4", "6354-Seasons.MTS"} -- List of all files in folder 

on siftfiles(totalFiles) 
    --Sift through everything and find mp4s, then add to a list. Do the same for MTS but add separately. 
    set MTSlist to {} 
    set MP4list to {} 
    repeat with vidname in totalFiles 
     if (vidname contains ".mp4") then 
      set end of MP4list to vidname as string 
     else if vidname contains ".mts" then 
      set end of MTSlist to vidname as string 
     end if 
    end repeat 
    set returnlist to {MP4list, MTSlist} 
    return returnlist 
end siftfiles 

set {MP4list, MTSlist} to siftfiles(totalFiles) 

-- turn the MP4 list into a string 
set otid to AppleScript's text item delimiters 
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "|" 
set MP4string to "|" & (MP4list as string) & "|" 
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to otid 

--Compare the two lists 
set clickList to {} 
repeat with thename in MTSlist 
    set trimmedname to (text 1 thru -5 of thename) 
    if ("|" & trimmedname & ".") is not in MP4string then 
     set end of clickList to (trimmedname as string) 
    end if 
end repeat 

return clickList 

dammit @jweaks你擊敗了我不到一分鐘! :-) – CRGreen


這是怎麼回事?希望我明白你在找什麼。 我只是按照自己的方式去做,而不是嘗試調整代碼。希望沒關係。 我利用Finder的能力來使用「其子句」先用正確的擴展名吸取文件名(如果這是一個巨大的列表,它可能需要一些時間),然後循環。我更喜歡有一個文件名列表而不是完整的Finder引用(或AS別名),然後我可以根據需要重新生成文件路徑字符串。

set ff to choose folder 
tell application "Finder" 
    set mpfours to name of files of ff whose name ends with ".mp4" 
    set mtses to name of files of ff whose name ends with ".mov" 
end tell 

--sorry, had to remove temp lines that were just for me 

set orphanMTSes to {} 

repeat with thisOne in mtses 
    set choppedMTS to (text 1 thru -4 of thisOne) --includes dot 
    if ((choppedMTS & "mp4") is not in mpfours) then set orphanMTSes to (orphanMTSes & thisOne) 
end repeat 


set selectedList to {} 

repeat with f in orphanedMTSes 
    set selectedList to (selectedList & (alias ((ff as text) & f))) 
end repeat 

tell application "Finder" 
    select selectedList 
end tell 