public class MyWorkspaceAddIn : Panel, IWorkspaceComponent2
private bool _readOnly;
private IRecordContext _recordContext;
private IGlobalContext _globalContext;
private bool _triggerPopup = true;
void _incident_PropertyChanged(object sender, System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
{//check property and/or i.Prod and then show the popup
// MessageBox.Show(e.PropertyName); //Check what property name is
if (_incident.ProductID == 182 && _triggerPopup) //If product ID is 183 in incident
MessageBox.Show("The GO Classic will soon be end of life, make sure you propose the customer to buy a new device and offer maximum 20% discount to reward his/her loyalty (NOTE: refurbished devices are not included in this offer).");
_triggerPopup = false; //Do not pop up
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.AddIn;
using RightNow.AddIns.AddInViews;
using RightNow.AddIns.Common;
using System.Windows.Forms;
// File: MyWorkspaceAddIn.cs
// Comments:
// Notes:
// Pre-Conditions:
namespace TriggerAddIn
[AddIn("My VAS AddIn", Version = "")]
public class MyWorkspaceAddIn : Panel, IWorkspaceComponent2
private bool _readOnly;
private IRecordContext _recordContext;
private IGlobalContext _globalContext;
private bool _triggerPopup = true;
IIncident _incident; //Define IIncident outside dataLoaded event;
//Get reference when the incident open in workspace.
public MyWorkspaceAddIn(bool inDesignMode, IRecordContext recContext, IGlobalContext globalContext)
/*MessageBox.Show("AddIns Load My workspace plugin");*/
_recordContext = recContext;
_globalContext = globalContext;
//Check wheather users
if (!inDesignMode &&_recordContext != null)
{ //Add our custom event
_recordContext.DataLoaded += new EventHandler(_recordContext_DataLoaded);
//Custom Event handler
void _recordContext_DataLoaded(object sender, EventArgs e)
_incident = _recordContext.GetWorkspaceRecord(WorkspaceRecordType.Incident) as IIncident;
if (_incident != null)
_incident.PropertyChanged -= _incident_PropertyChanged;
_incident.PropertyChanged += new System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventHandler(_incident_PropertyChanged);
void _incident_PropertyChanged(object sender, System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
{//check property and/or i.Prod and then show the popup
// MessageBox.Show(e.PropertyName); //Check what property name is
if (_incident.ProductID == 182 && _triggerPopup) //If product ID is 183 in incident
MessageBox.Show("The GO Classic will soon be end of life, make sure you propose the customer to buy a new device and offer maximum 20% discount to reward his/her loyalty (NOTE: refurbished devices are not included in this offer).");
_triggerPopup = false; //Do not pop up
if (_incident.CategoryID == 2353)
Form1 myForm = new Form1();
#region IAddInControl Members
public Control GetControl()
return this;
#region IWorkspaceComponent2 Members
public bool ReadOnly
return _readOnly;
_readOnly = value;
public void RuleActionInvoked(string actionName)
public string RuleConditionInvoked(string conditionName)
return "";
[AddIn("My VAS Factory AddIn", Version = "")]
public class MyWorkspaceAddInFactory : IWorkspaceComponentFactory2
private IGlobalContext _globalContext;
#region IWorkspaceComponentFactory2 Members
IWorkspaceComponent2 IWorkspaceComponentFactory2.CreateControl(bool inDesignMode, IRecordContext context)
return new MyWorkspaceAddIn(inDesignMode, context, _globalContext);
#region IFactoryBase Members
public System.Drawing.Image Image16
get { return Properties.Resources.AddIn16; }
public string Text
get { return "Trigger add in for VAS"; }
public string Tooltip
get { return "Trigger add in for VAS Tooltip"; }
#region IAddInBase Members
public bool Initialize(IGlobalContext context)
_globalContext = context;
return true;
所以,我猜你已經試過了。發生了什麼? – 2011-03-25 10:21:56
這是什麼問題?你有沒有嘗試過這些代碼?它工作嗎? – 2011-03-25 10:22:15