2010-05-16 23 views
#include <iostream> 
#include <string> 

using namespace std; 

// Turns a digit between 1 and 9 into its english name 
// Turn a number into its english name 

string int_name(int n) 

    string digit_name; 
    if (n == 1) return "one"; 
    else if (n == 2) return "two"; 
    else if (n == 3) return "three"; 
    else if (n == 4) return "four"; 
    else if (n == 5) return "five"; 
    else if (n == 6) return "six"; 
    else if (n == 7) return "seven"; 
    else if (n == 8) return "eight"; 
    else if (n == 9) return "nine"; 

    return ""; 

    string teen_name; 
    if (n == 10) return "ten"; 
    else if (n == 11) return "eleven"; 
    else if (n == 12) return "twelve"; 
    else if (n == 13) return "thirteen"; 
    else if (n == 14) return "fourteen"; 
    else if (n == 14) return "fourteen"; 
    else if (n == 15) return "fifteen"; 
    else if (n == 16) return "sixteen"; 
    else if (n == 17) return "seventeen"; 
    else if (n == 18) return "eighteen"; 
    else if (n == 19) return "nineteen"; 

    return ""; 

    string tens_name; 
    if (n == 2) return "twenty"; 
    else if (n == 3) return "thirty"; 
    else if (n == 4) return "forty"; 
    else if (n == 5) return "fifty"; 
    else if (n == 6) return "sixty"; 
    else if (n == 7) return "seventy"; 
    else if (n == 8) return "eighty"; 
    else if (n == 9) return "ninety"; 

    return ""; 

    int c = n; // the part that still needs to be converted 
    string r; // the return value 

    if (c >= 1000) 
    r = int_name(c/1000) + " thousand"; 
    c = c % 1000; 

    if (c >= 100) 
    r = r + " " + digit_name(c/100) + " hundred"; 
    c = c % 100; 

    if (c >= 20) 
    r = r + " " + tens_name(c /10); 
    c = c % 10; 

    if (c >= 10) 
    r = r + " " + teen_name(c); 
    c = 0; 

    if (c > 0) 
    r = r + " " + digit_name(c); 

    return r; 

int main() 
    int n; 
    cout << endl << endl; 
    cout << "Please enter a positive integer: "; 
    cin >> n; 
    cout << endl; 
    cout << int_name(n); 
    cout << endl << endl; 

    return 0; 


intname2.cpp: In function âstd::string int_name(int)â:
intname2.cpp:74: error: no match for call to â(std::string) (int)â
intname2.cpp:80: error: no match for call to â(std::string) (int)â
intname2.cpp:86: error: no match for call to â(std::string) (int&)â
intname2.cpp:91: error: no match for call to â(std::string) (int&)â


問題有一個標題,以*請幫助*和正文包含格式不良的源代碼通常不讚賞SO。 – 2010-05-16 17:45:32


你有沒有想過你正在創建本地功能? C++沒有這樣的東西。 – 2010-05-16 17:48:58


你真的應該閱讀一本C++書籍。 – 2010-05-16 17:50:14




string digit_name(int n) 
if (n == 1) return "one"; 
else if (n == 2) return "two"; 
else if (n == 3) return "three"; 
else if (n == 4) return "four"; 
else if (n == 5) return "five"; 
else if (n == 6) return "six"; 
else if (n == 7) return "seven"; 
else if (n == 8) return "eight"; 
else if (n == 9) return "nine"; 

return ""; 

是啊,那是什麼原型程序是保羅,但現在我們的教授希望我們做到這一點,所以我們唯一擁有的是int_name和int_main她希望我們以某種方式將屍體移動到int_name函數中,這就是我迷失的地方 – 2010-05-16 18:00:14





  • 如果您的老師已覆蓋switch語句然後使用switch語句。
  • 檢查你的老師是不是要求你做功能聲明。
  • 檢查你的老師是不是讓你把函數放在函數庫中(頭文件和源文件)。


string int_name(int n) 
    int c = n; // the part that still needs to be converted 
    string r; // the return value 

    if (c >= 1000) 
     r = int_name(c/1000) + " thousand"; 
     c = c % 1000; 

    if (c >= 100) 
     // If you have covered switch statements then it will look like this 
     string digitName; 
     switch(c/100) // <- instead of calling digit_name(c/100), we call switch(c/100) 
      case 1: 
       // assign the digit name 
       digitName = "one"; 
      case 2: 
       //... fill here with your own code 
      case 3: 
       //... fill here with your own code 
      // write all the cases through 9 
       digitName = ""; 

     // in the result string use the digitName variable 
     // instead of calling the digit_name function 
     r = r + " " + digitName + " hundred"; 
     c = c % 100; 

    if (c >= 20) 
     r = r + " " + tens_name(c /10); 
     c = c % 10; 

    if (c >= 10) 
     r = r + " " + teen_name(c); 
     c = 0; 

    if (c > 0) 
     r = r + " " + digit_name(c); 

    return r; 


string int_name(int n) 
    int c = n; // the part that still needs to be converted 
    string r; // the return value 

    if (c >= 1000) 
     r = int_name(c/1000) + " thousand"; 
     c = c % 1000; 

    if (c >= 100) 
     // declare a digitName 
     string digitName; 

     // declare a temporary value 
     int temp = c/100; 
     if(1 == temp) 
      // assign the digit name 
      digitName = "one"; 
     else if(2 == temp) 
      digitName = "two"; 
     else if(3 == temp) 
      // fill in the rest 
     else if(4 == temp) 
      // fill in the rest 
     // write all the other else if statements 
      digitName = "": 

     // in the result string use the digitName variable 
     // instead of calling the digit_name function 
     r = r + " " + digitName + " hundred"; 
     c = c % 100; 

    if (c >= 20) 
     r = r + " " + tens_name(c /10); 
     c = c % 10; 

    if (c >= 10) 
     r = r + " " + teen_name(c); 
     c = 0; 

    if (c > 0) 
     r = r + " " + digit_name(c); 

    return r; 




爲什麼不讓它成爲評論而不是答案? – 2010-05-16 18:19:25


(3)編寫另一個版本的程序intname.cpp,其中 你只有函數int_name(int n),但不是 其他三個函數digit_name,teen_name, 和tens_name。你的程序會是什麼樣子? 得到它的編譯和運行... 提示:funtions digit_name的屍體,teen_name 和tens_name將需要與變量正確 namings – 2010-05-16 18:20:44


這就是分配和適當的位置 體int_name內出現我發佈的代碼是我嘗試轉換它,我知道它的可怕我們的C++書沒有任何幫助 – 2010-05-16 18:21:55
