{% for item in data %}
Value : {{ item }}
{% endfor %}
{% for item in data %}
Value : {{ item }}
{% endfor %}
{% set previous = false %}
{% for item in data %}
Value : {{ item }}
{% if previous %}
{# use it #}
{% endif %}
{% set previous = item %}
{% endfor %}
{# this template assumes that you use 'items' array
and each element is called 'item' and you will get
'previous_item' and 'next_item' variables, which may be NULL if not availble #}
{% set previous_item = null %}
{%if items|length > 1 %}
{% set next_item = items[1] %}
{% set next_item = null %}
{%for item in items %}
Item: {{ item }}
{% if previous_item is not null %}
Use previous item here: {{ previous_item }}
{%if next_item is not null %}
Use next item here: {{ next_item }}
{# ------ code to udpate next_item and previous_item elements #}
{%set previous_item = item %}
{%if loop.revindex <= 2 %}
{% set next_item = null %}
{% set next_item = items[loop.index0+2] %}
{% for item in items %}
<p>item itself: {{ item }}</p>
{% if loop.length > 1 %}
{% if loop.first == false %}
{% set previous_item = items[loop.index0 - 1] %}
<p>previous item: {{ previous_item }}</p>
{% endif %}
{% if loop.last == false %}
{% set next_item = items[loop.index0 + 1] %}
<p>next item: {{ next_item }}</p>
{% endif %}
{% else %}
<p>There is only one item.</p>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% for item in items %}
<p>item itself: {{ item }}</p>
{% if loop.length > 1 %}
{% if loop.first %}
{% set previous_item = items[loop.length - 1] %}
{% else %}
{% set previous_item = items[loop.index0 - 1] %}
{% endif %}
{% if loop.last %}
{% set next_item = items[0] %}
{% else %}
{% set next_item = items[loop.index0 + 1] %}
{% endif %}
<p>previous item: {{ previous_item }}</p>
<p>next item: {{ next_item }}</p>
{% else %}
<p>There is only one item.</p>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
謝謝。此解決方案正常工作。 – repincln 2013-04-06 12:45:28