我試圖定義相關的模型,如內@types/loopback definitions打字稿/環路相關型號
interface IHasMany {
* Create a target model instance
* @param {Object} targetModelData The target model data
* @param {Function} callback The callback function
// HasMany.prototype.create = function(targetModelData, options, cb)
create<T = any>(targetModelData: any, callback?: (err: Error, instance: T) => void): Promise<T> | void;
(snip ... other functions findById, exists, updateById, destroyById omitted for bevity)
"relations": {
"principals": {
"type": "hasMany",
"model": "RoleMapping",
"foreignKey": "roleId"
在Typescript中,此函數將用作f ollows:
await createdRole.principals.create({
principalType: loopback.RoleMapping.USER,
principalId: createdUser.id
class Role extends PersistedModel {
static OWNER: string;
static RELATED: string;
static AUTHENTICATED: string;
static UNAUTHENTICATED: string;
static EVERYONE: string;
/** HasMany RoleMappings */
static async principals = ????
任何下一步的指導?好像我需要延長IHasMany是RoleMapping特定的(如IHaveManyRoleMappings) - 可能使用this post,然後讓校長是這樣的:
static async principals = class RoleMappings implements IHasManyRoleMappings {};