2017-09-23 43 views



問題: 「創建將生成一組的五胡亂申請‘外國人的名字’單擊按鈕時,這些外國人名必須在其中至少一個元音,應該有兩個重複的字符某處英寸名稱,示例名稱包括:'llag','Uffrd'和'Dxxi'



//declares and assaigns the message (text where names will be printed) 
    var message = document.querySelector("#message"); 
    //declares the array and gives it 5 spots for names 
    var nameArray = ["", "", "", "", ""]; 

    // declares the name generating function 
    function rando() { 
     //declares assigns name as empty for now 
     var name = []; 
     //randomizes length of the name 
     var namelength = Math.round(Math.random() * 7) + 4; 
     //declaring a vowel count 
     var vowelCount = 0; 
     //for loop to store each name into the array 
     for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) { 
      //for loop to decide the letters for each 
      for (var i = 0; i < namelength; i++) { 
       //declares boolean variable that stores whether or not the current character is a vowel using the created is Vowel() function 
       var wasVowel = isVowel(name[i]); 
       //if the last character was a vowel 
       if (wasVowel) { 
        //counts vowels 
        //while loop 
        while (isVowel(name[i])) { 
         //declares the variable and assigns it to a random number between 0 and 25 
         var randomCharacterIndex = Math.round(Math.random() * 25); 
         //updates the current character based on the random variable equal to or above the unicode 97 ("a") 
         name[i] = String.fromCharCode(97 + randomCharacterIndex); 
        //if the previous character was not a vowel 
       } else { 
        //while loop 
        while (isVowel(name[i]) == false) { 
         //declares variable and assigns it to random number between 0 and 25 
         var randomCharacterIndex = Math.round(Math.random() * 25); 
         //updates the current character based on the random variable equal to or above the unicode 97 ("a") 
         name[i] = String.fromCharCode(97 + randomCharacterIndex); 
       //adds each letter to the name 
       name += name[i]; 
      //making the first letterz 
      //adds each name to the array 
      nameArray[i] = name.join(""); 
      //name is reset to null for the next name loop 
      name = []; 
     //prints the names onto the DOM 
     message.innerHTML = nameArray.join(", "); 

    function isVowel(character) { 
     if (character == "a" || character == "e" || character == "i" || character == "o" || character == "u") { 
      return true; 
     } else { 
      //this is the 'default' 
      return false; 
 <button onclick="rando()">Random Names</button> 
     <div id="message"></div>


歡迎來到Stack Overflow。請更新您的問題以包含代碼的工作演示,以便我們看到問題。請參閱[如何創建最小,完整和可驗證的示例](https://stackoverflow.com/help/mcve)和 [如何創建可運行的代碼段](https://stackoverflow.blog/2014/09/16/introduction-runnable-javascript-css-and-html-code-snippets /) – FluffyKitten


它是空的,因爲你必須在這裏HTML。你的HTML在哪裏?另外,在你的'isVowel'函數中使用or運算符'||'並在一個'if'語句中完成。或者更好的是,使用'some'。 – jmargolisvt


嘿,我添加了我的HTML到我發佈的答案。對於那個很抱歉。謝謝。我將縮短isVowel函數並使用||而不是「或」。我不知道爲什麼我在這個問題上遇到這麼多麻煩 – jtsports1217




  1. 生成隨機名稱長度

  2. 生成隨機雙字符位置

  3. 生成不相交的兩個重複 字符
  4. 生成字,跟隨設置規則並相應地產生隨機字符強制性元音位置

    var message = document.querySelector("#message"); 
    function rando() { 
        message.innerHTML = ""; 
        for (var j=0;j<5;j++) 
         var name = ""; 
         var namelength = Math.round(Math.random() * 7) + 4; 
         var pairPosition = Math.round(Math.random() * (namelength-1)); 
         var obligatoryVowelPos = Math.round(Math.random() * (namelength-1)); 
         while(obligatoryVowelPos == pairPosition || obligatoryVowelPos == (pairPosition+1)) 
         obligatoryVowelPos = Math.round(Math.random() * (namelength-1)); 
         for (var i =0;i<namelength;i++) { 
         if (i==pairPosition) 
          var character = generateRandomLetter(); 
          name = name + character + character; 
         else if (i==obligatoryVowelPos) 
          name = name + generateVowel(); 
          name = name+generateRandomLetter(); 
         name = name.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + name.slice(1); 
        //prints the names onto the DOM 
        message.innerHTML += name + "<br>"; 
    function generateVowel() 
         var aeiou = Math.round(Math.random()*4)+1; 
         switch (aeiou) 
          case 1:return 'a';break; 
          case 2:return 'e';break; 
          case 3:return 'i';break; 
          case 4:return 'o';break; 
          case 5:return 'u';break; 
    function generateRandomLetter() 
        var randomCharacterIndex = Math.round(Math.random() * 25); 
        return String.fromCharCode(97 + randomCharacterIndex); 

雖然不是必需的,你也可以使用你r original isVowel函數,用於在代碼輸入時防止雙元音,或者在單詞創建循環結束後未添加元音的情況下添加元音。這真的取決於你,這段代碼已經解決了你的問題。


'y'元音在哪裏?此外,我認爲你想要模數,而不是乘以4。 –


根據上下文甚至語言,「y」可以被認爲是元音或輔音;因爲OP沒有將它包含在他自己的'isVowel()'函數中,所以我沒有考慮它。不,它是*。與C'rand()'方法不同,Javascript的'Math.random()'返回一個介於0和1之間的浮點值,它將乘以並導致數字4的一小部分。它必須被舍入以便我們有一個整數,然後添加1,以便我們永遠不會得到零。 –