2012-09-21 69 views



public class board 
      public  node []gNode  = null; 
      ... // so the table has 24 nodes, for 9 men morris game: 
      gNode = new node[24]; 
      int evaluateBoard(); // evaluates the current board (tokens) 


public class node 
    node() // constructor 
    {  ...  } 

    // setting current node's neighbours (maximum 4 neighbours) 
    void setNeighbours(int left, int right, int top, int bottom) 
    {  ...  } 

    short  gOccupiedByTeam = renderer.TEAM_NOTEAM; // info if this node is occupied by a token (and a wich team this token belongs to) 
    short []gNeighbourId = null; // info about this node neighbours (can be max. 4 in a 9Men's morris game) 
    short  gInternalID  = -1; // board's IDs (from 0..23) 
    short  gTokenID  = -1; // this node can be occupied by a token. (from 0 .. 8) -see below the token class. 
    short  gNodeScore  = -1; // a dummy node score. 
    vector3 gLocation  = null; // 3d coordinates for this node. 



public class token 
    token(vector3 startpos, short nodeId) // Constructor. 
    {  ...  } 

    public physx  gPhysX  = null; // 3d coordinates , velocity , accel. for this Token. 
    public boolean  bIsAlive = false; // is this token alive ? (or eliminated?) 
    public boolean  bFormsMill = false; // does it form a Mill? 

    public short   gNodeID  = -1; // "link" this token with a gNodeID (when placing a token on current board). See above the node class. This represents a link ID to that node. 
    public short   gTokenMill1 = -1; // used when this token forms a mill (with gTokenMill1 token!) 
    public short   gTokenMill2 = -1; // same. 



public int getBestMove(board board, int depth, int alpha, int beta, boolean bIsPlayer) 
    // if depth reached, return current's board's Evaluation (a score). 
    if (depth == 0) return board.evaluateBoard(bIsPlayer); 

    // is it Player's turn ? (max?) 
    if (bIsPlayer) 
     // QUESTIONS: 
     // retrevie all possible "boards" below ! (all new possible token moves) 
     // 1. here i should generate a new board with 1st possible move (for player token1) ?? ... then a second new board with 2nd possible move still for token1 ? .. and so on until no possible moves for token1? 
     // (remembering that a token can move in 4 available spots - wich are a neighbour?) 
     // 2. the problem is that if i generate 4 new boards as per token 1 above let's say, then it will "eat" lot of memory for all 18 tokens and a function recursion depth of 5 for example, right ? 
     // 3. how do i fix point 2? 

     ArrayList<board> possible_boards = board.getAllPossibleBoards(); 

     // 4. ok, some possible boards were generated, loop thru them starting with the first one and calling recursively this function, is it right ? 
     for(board iterator: possible_boards) 
      alpha = Math.max(alpha, getBestMove(iterator, depth - 1, alpha, beta, !bIsPlayer)); 

      if (beta < alpha) 


     // 5. how do i return best move to main calling function ? (wich token is it best move from all of these board's moves ? 
     return alpha; 
     ArrayList<board> possible_boards = board.getAllPossibleBoards(); 

     for(board iterator: possible_boards) 

      beta = Math.min(beta, getBestMove(iterator, depth - 1, alpha, beta, !bIsPlayer)); 

      if (beta < alpha) 


     return beta; 


OK,這是我的功能至今。 我不知道即使我在正確的軌道上 ??!






否則,如果深度 = 0,則返回當前選定委員會的評價(評分)(INT evaluateBoard()),好吧。


while(board.generateNextPossibleBoard(nextBoard)) // board generated and stored in "nextBoard". Also check if it is a valid board or no more boards to generate further. 




所以只是可以肯定,這是一個極大極小的算法對不對? – Annabelle


是的,minimax alpha-beta修剪。感謝您的快速回復。我很困惑什麼參數傳遞給getBestMove()?作爲節點?作爲一個令牌?我在這裏發送董事會! ..以及如何生成下一個可能的移動(板),它到底是做什麼正確的? – redbase


用你的alpha-beta樹生成所有可能的板子。然後通過評估棋盤得分的「EvaluateBoard」函數來評估結局節點(棋盤)(您可以根據AI的棋子配置決定要如何得分)。然後你把他們中最好的棋盤(根據它的分數)。那麼下一步的舉措將是通向最佳董事會的舉措。 –








if (board.checkWinner(bIsPlayer)) return board.evaluateBoard(bIsPlayer); 

// if depth reached, return current's board's Evaluation (a score). 
if (depth == 0) return board.evaluateBoard(bIsPlayer); 

board chosenBoard;  
if (bIsPlayer) 
    // You should implement this method, or write your board generation code here 
    // returns false if no more boards could be generated 
    board nextBoard; 
     int v = getBestMove(iterator, depth - 1, alpha, beta, !bIsPlayer)); 

     if (v > alpha) 
      alpha = v; 
      chosenBoard = nextBoard; // return this chosenBoard by reference ;) 

     if (beta < alpha) 

    return alpha; 
    // The same for beta except you don't need to update chosenBoard :) 

我不完全確定,但不應該board.evaluateBoard(bIsPlayer);是board.evaluateBoard(root_color)? –


@FolkertvanHeusden這取決於'evaluateBoard'是如何實現的。根據OP的代碼,它應該是board.evaluateBoard(bIsPlayer)'。 – saeedn


那麼如果你做了number_of_queens [current_player] - number_of_queens [opponent_of_current_player]那麼它應該是bIsPlayer?對不起,我嘮叨這麼多,但我想知道它100%肯定,然後我會適應維基百科頁面,以便其他人現在可以肯定。 感謝的方式:-) –