2016-11-22 75 views






[將多個文件讀取到列表中](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11433432)然後使用'do.call(cbind,mylist)' – zx8754


請閱讀[如何提出一個好問題] (http://stackoverflow.com/help/how-to-ask)以及如何給出[可重現的示例](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5963269)。這會讓其他人更容易幫助你。 – zx8754




# the working directory contains d1.csv, d2.csv, d3.csv with 
# matching first two columns. The third column is random data 
#>  a b   c 
#> 1 1 A 0.5526777 
#> 2 2 B 0.2161643 
#> 3 3 C 0.3311132 
#> 4 4 D 0.3577971 
#> 5 5 E 0.2298579 
#> 6 6 F 0.4014883 
#> 7 7 G 0.2789038 
#> 8 8 H 0.5729675 
#> 9 9 I 0.3413949 
#> 10 10 J 0.5807167 

## identify the .csv files in the working directory 
file_list <- dir(".", pattern = "*.csv") 
#> [1] "d1.csv" "d2.csv" "d3.csv" 

## for each of the .csv files, extract the base filename and 
## create a new object with that name containing the data. 
## Additionally, name the third column by the basename 
for (file in file_list) { 
    f <- sub("(.*)\\.csv", "\\1", file) 
    assign(f, read.csv(file = file)) 
    assign(f, setNames(get(f), c(names(get(f))[1:2], file))) 

## at this point, the objects d1, d2, and d3 have been created, 
## containing their respective data. The third column of each of 
## these is their originating filename. 
#>  a b d1.csv 
#> 1 1 A 0.5526777 
#> 2 2 B 0.2161643 
#> 3 3 C 0.3311132 
#> 4 4 D 0.3577971 
#> 5 5 E 0.2298579 
#> 6 6 F 0.4014883 
#> 7 7 G 0.2789038 
#> 8 8 H 0.5729675 
#> 9 9 I 0.3413949 
#> 10 10 J 0.5807167 

## specify the names of the date and time columns (common between files) 
date_col <- "a" 
time_col <- "b" 

## use Reduce to go through the list of created objects and 
## merge them together 
list_of_objects <- mget(sub("(.*)\\.csv", "\\1", file_list)) 
combined_files <- Reduce(function(x, y) merge(x, y, by = c(date_col, time_col)), list_of_objects) 

#>  a b d1.csv d2.csv d3.csv 
#> 1 10 J 0.5807167 0.8181820 0.7073864 
#> 2 1 A 0.5526777 0.3225574 0.3758595 
#> 3 2 B 0.2161643 0.6933108 0.5654979 
#> 4 3 C 0.3311132 0.9309869 0.1727413 
#> 5 4 D 0.3577971 0.8810876 0.7802144 
#> 6 5 E 0.2298579 0.1023579 0.9925649 
#> 7 6 F 0.4014883 0.1328283 0.7610007 
#> 8 7 G 0.2789038 0.2926512 0.7469455 
#> 9 8 H 0.5729675 0.8727978 0.3073394 
#> 10 9 I 0.3413949 0.3107775 0.4778286 



沒有大多數情況下有意義,並且效果很好!上面有哪些地方可以過濾特定日期的數據行?或者之後選擇數據會更容易/更快速。 – BBODS


最簡單的方法就是將它縮小後,因爲您需要先動態更改100多個對象。如果這符合您的需求,upvote和接受按鈕在您的處置。 –
