我想創建一個測驗銀行遊戲....我有一個txt文件,存儲信息並將其推回到矢量,但我的主要問題是如何打印出我的get方法與這個指向矢量對象的指針? 這是我整個代碼如何打印出對象的矢量元素?
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
class question
private :
string ques ;
string answer;
int point ;
public :
question(string ques = "",string answer = "",int point = 0):ques(ques),answer(answer),point(point){}
virtual string getAnswer() = 0;
virtual string getQuestion() = 0;
virtual int getPoint() = 0;
class SAquestion : public question
private :
string ques ;
string answer;
int point ;
public :
SAquestion(string ques = "",string answer = "",int point = 0):ques(ques),answer(answer),point(point){}
string getAnswer() {return answer;}
string getQuestion(){return ques ;}
int getPoint() {return point ;}
class MCquestion : public question
private :
string ques ;
string answer;
int point ;
public :
MCquestion(string ques = "",string answer = "",int point = 0):ques(ques),answer(answer),point(point){}
string getAnswer() {return answer;}
string getQuestion(){return ques ;}
int getPoint() {return point ;}
class TFquestion : public question
private :
string ques ;
string answer;
int point ;
public :
TFquestion(string ques = "",string answer = "",int point = 0):ques(ques),answer(answer),point(point){}
string getAnswer() {return answer;}
string getQuestion(){return ques ;}
int getPoint() {return point ;}
void readDataByDelimiter(const char* filename, vector< SAquestion>*SHORTQ) {
string line;
ifstream ifs(filename);
if (ifs.is_open()) {
cout << "Reading data...\n";
int c = 0;
while (getline (ifs,line) && (*line.c_str() != '\0')) {
string delimiter = ",";
size_t pos = 0;
string* token = new string[5];
int f = -1;
while ((pos = line.find(delimiter)) != string::npos) {
token[++f] = line.substr(0, pos);
cout << " " << token[f] << " | " ;
line.erase(0, pos + delimiter.length());
token[++f] = line;
cout << token[f] << endl; // last item in string
// push to vector (numerical data converted to int)
SAquestion b(token[1], token[2], atoi(token[3].c_str()));
cout << c << " row(s) read." << endl << endl;
cout << "Unable to open file";
enter code here
int main()
vector<SAquestion> *s = new vector<SAquestion>();
readDataByDelimiter("SHORQ.txt", s);
cout <<s[0]->getAnswer();
- List item
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爲什麼你動態地分配一個'vector'?您不需要,因爲C++不是Java而不是C#。通過參考您的方法。 –