class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
//Displays data in correct Format
List<float> inputList = new List<float>();
TextReader tr = new StreamReader("c:/users/tom/documents/visual studio 2010/Projects/DistanceCalculator3/DistanceCalculator3/TextFile1.txt");
String input = Convert.ToString(tr.ReadToEnd());
String[] items = input.Split(',');
Console.WriteLine("Point Latitude Longtitude Elevation");
for (int i = 0; i < items.Length; i++)
if (i % 3 == 0)
Console.Write((i/3) + "\t\t");
if (((i - 2) % 3) == 0)
// Ask for two inputs from the user which is then converted into 6 floats and transfered in class Coordinates
Console.WriteLine("Please enter the two points that you wish to know the distance between:");
string point = Console.ReadLine();
string[] pointInput = point.Split(' ');
int pointNumber = Convert.ToInt16(pointInput[0]);
int pointNumber2 = Convert.ToInt16(pointInput[1]);
Coordinates distance = new Coordinates();
distance.latitude = (Convert.ToDouble(items[pointNumber * 3]));
distance.longtitude = (Convert.ToDouble(items[(pointNumber * 3) + 1]));
distance.elevation = (Convert.ToDouble(items[(pointNumber * 3) + 2]));
distance.latitude2 = (Convert.ToDouble(items[pointNumber2 * 3]));
distance.longtitude2 = (Convert.ToDouble(items[(pointNumber2 * 3) + 1]));
distance.elevation2 = (Convert.ToDouble(items[(pointNumber2 * 3) + 2]));
//Calculate the distance between two points
const double PIx = 3.141592653589793;
const double RADIO = 6371;
double dlat = ((distance.latitude2) * (PIx/180)) - ((distance.latitude) * (PIx/180));
double dlon = ((distance.longtitude2) * (PIx/180)) - ((distance.longtitude) * (PIx/180));
double a = (Math.Sin(dlat/2) * Math.Sin(dlat/2)) + Math.Cos((distance.latitude) * (PIx/180)) * Math.Cos((distance.latitude2) * (PIx/180)) * (Math.Sin(dlon/2) * Math.Sin(dlon/2));
double angle = 2 * Math.Atan2(Math.Sqrt(a), Math.Sqrt(1 - a));
double ultimateDistance = (angle * RADIO);
Console.WriteLine("The distance between your two points is...");
//Repeat the program if the user enters 1, end the program if the user enters -1
Console.WriteLine("If you wish to calculate another distance type 1 and return, if you wish to end the program, type -1.");
if (Convert.ToInt16(Console.ReadLine()) == 1);
//here is where I need it to repeat
我不會幫助您直到您重構您的代碼,以便它使用方法並將控制邏輯從計算中分離出來。 – Euphoric
程序重新啓動後,您是否想要從第46行開始執行程序? –
我覺得我已經被推遲到Commodore Basic了。 GOTO不是前進的方向......瞭解方法的時間。 –