2016-07-05 104 views


  • 當我通過點擊其中一個主要項目來推出菜單時,我想避免在其他子菜單的層次上展開綠色,菜單(例如通過點擊「菜單1」我不希望綠色塊出現在「菜單2」和「菜單3」下面)
  • 我也想讓我的項目更大。但是當我激活「填充:14px 16px;」在CSS代碼中的#menu li級別,子菜單項會以不好的方式移動。

你能幫我解決這些問題嗎? 謝謝!



$(function() { 
// Hide sub-menu: 
// Hide elements of the screen: 
$("#B3 th, #B3 td").hide(); 
// Hide/Display sub-menu once menu item is clicked: 
$(".mainlink").click(function() { 
\t $(".subMenu").hide(); 
    $("#B3 th, #B3 td").hide(); 
\t $(".level1").css("background-color","green"); 
\t $(".level2").css("background-color","orange"); 
\t $(this).parent().css("background-color","red"); 
    \t $(this).parent().find(".subMenu").toggle("slow", function() { 
\t \t // Animation complete. 
\t }); 


// Hide/Display elements of the body of the screen once sub-menu item is clicked: 
// Request/Create 
$("#item1_1").click(function() { 
$(".subMenu li").css("background-color","orange"); 
// Request/Search 
$("#item1_2").click(function() { 
$(".subMenu li").css("background-color","orange"); 
// Folder/Report/Create folder 
$("#item2_1").click(function() { 
$(".subMenu li").css("background-color","orange"); 
// Folder/Report/Create report 
$("#item2_2").click(function() { 
$(".subMenu li").css("background-color","orange"); 
// Folder/Report/Search 
$("#item2_3").click(function() { 
$(".subMenu li").css("background-color","orange"); 
body { 
\t background-color: #3e8cbd; 

header { 
\t border-style: solid; 
\t margin: 0; 

footer { 
\t border-style: solid; 
\t margin: 0; 

#menu ul { 
\t display: flex; 
    list-style-type: none; 
    padding: 0; 

#menu li { 
\t width: 10em; 
\t color: white; 
\t text-align: center; 
\t border-right: 1px solid #bbb; 
\t border-top: 1px solid #bbb; 
\t background-color: green; 
\t /*padding: 14px 16px;*/ 

#menu li:last-child { 
    border-right: none; 

#menu ul ul { 
\t flex-direction: column; 
\t padding: 0; 

#menu li li { 
\t background-color: orange; 
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script> 

<!-- Menu items --> 
<div id="menu"> 
\t <ul class="menu"> 
\t <li class="level1"><a id="item1" class="mainlink">Menu1</a> 
\t \t \t <!-- Request menu --> 
\t \t \t <ul class="subMenu" id="B2_1"> 
\t \t \t <li class="level2"><a id="item1_1" >Sub-Menu1-1</a></li> 
\t \t \t <li class="level2"><a id="item1_2" >Sub-Menu1-2</a></li> 
\t \t \t </ul> 
\t \t \t <!-- Request menu (end) --> 
\t </li> 
\t <li class="level1"><a id="item2" class="mainlink">Menu2</a> 
\t \t \t <!-- Dossier/Report screen --> 
\t \t \t <ul class="subMenu" id="B2_2"> 
\t \t \t <li class="level2"><a id="item2_1" >Sub-Menu2-1</a></li> 
\t \t \t <li class="level2"><a id="item2_2" >Sub-Menu2-2</a></li> 
\t \t \t <li class="level2"><a id="item2_3" >Sub-Menu2-3</a></li> 
\t \t \t </ul> 
\t \t \t <!-- Dossier/Report menu (end) --> 
\t </li> 
\t <li class="level1"><a id="item3" class="mainlink" onClick="alert('Development of the Menu3 functionalities postponed!')">Menu3</a></li> 
\t </ul> 
</div> \t 
<!-- Menu items (end) --> 

<!-- Screen body --> 
<div id="body"> 
\t <!-- B5 block --> 
\t <table id="B5"> 
\t \t <tr> 
\t \t \t <td> 
\t \t \t \t <input id="B5_1" type="button" value="Button1" onClick="alert('Action 1')"> 
\t \t \t </td> \t \t \t 
\t \t \t <td> 
\t \t \t \t <input id="B5_2" type="button" value="Button2" onClick="alert('Action 2')"> 
\t \t \t </td> 
\t \t \t <td> 
\t \t \t \t <input id="B5_3" type="button" value="Button3" onClick="alert('Action 3')"> 
\t \t \t </td> 
\t \t \t <td> 
\t \t \t \t <input id="B5_4" type="button" value="Button4" onClick="alert('Action 4')"> 
\t \t \t </td> 
\t \t \t <td> 
\t \t \t \t <input id="B5_5" type="button" value="Button5" onClick="alert('Action 5')"> 
\t \t \t </td> \t \t 
\t \t </tr> 
\t </table> 
\t <!-- B5 block (end) --> \t 
</div> \t 



爲了避免菜單下面的 「綠色」,你應該使用'位置。 –


'position:absolute'將使菜單與按鈕 – andyb



使用的移position:absoluterelative這裏不會工作,因爲m ENU將與按鈕重疊。


我簡化了JavaScript和CSS,將JavaScript操縱的某種風格轉移回CSS。我還使用更新的代碼來使用更新的.on('click')語法,並使用HTML data attribute<a>鏈接到該按鈕,以消除始終查找元素的需求。在子菜單中absolute`:

// no need to use jQuery to find these all the time 
var menuAnchors = $('#menu > li > a'); // cache top level anchors 
var buttons = $("input[id^='B5_']"); // cache all buttons 

// declare one click handler for all #menu > li > a 
$('#menu').on('click', '> li > a', function() { 
    menuAnchors.css('background-color', ''); // reset red to green 
    this.style.backgroundColor = 'red'; // anchor elements get red background when clicked 

    $(".subMenu").hide().reset(); // hide all subMenu 
    $(this).next(".subMenu").toggle("slow", function() {}); // show nearest next subMenu 

// declare one click handler for all .subMenu anchors 
$('.subMenu').on('click', function(e) { 
    e.target.style.backgroundColor = 'red'; // target anchor set to red 
    var buttonId = $(e.target).data('button'); // get buttonId from data attribute 
    $('#' + buttonId).show(); 

// custom function to both hide and reset background to orange 
$.fn.reset = function() { 
    buttons.hide(); // hide all buttons 
    $(this).find('a').css('background-color', ''); // reset red to orange 
    return $(this); 
body { 
    background-color: #3e8cbd; 

ul { 
    display: flex; 
    list-style-type: none; 
    padding: 0; 

#menu li { 
    width: 10em; 
    color: white; 
    text-align: center; 

#menu li a { 
    display: block; 
    padding: 14px 16px; 
    cursor: pointer; 
    background-color: green; 
    border-right: 1px solid #bbb; 
    border-top: 1px solid #bbb; 

#menu li:last-child a { 
    border-right: none; 

.subMenu { 
    flex-direction: column; 
    padding: 0; 
    display: none; 

#menu .subMenu a { 
    background-color: orange; 

#B5 input { 
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script> 
<ul id="menu"> 
    <a class="menuLink">Menu1</a> 
    <ul class="subMenu"> 
     <li><a data-button="B5_1">Sub-Menu1-1</a></li> 
     <li><a data-button="B5_2">Sub-Menu1-2</a></li> 
    <a class="menuLink">Menu2</a> 
    <ul class="subMenu"> 
     <li><a data-button="B5_3">Sub-Menu2-1</a></li> 
     <li><a data-button="B5_4">Sub-Menu2-2</a></li> 
     <li><a data-button="B5_5">Sub-Menu2-3</a></li> 
    <a class="menuLink" onClick="alert('Development of the Menu3 functionalities postponed!')">Menu3</a> 

<table id="B5"> 
     <input id="B5_1" type="button" value="Button1" onClick="alert('Action 1')"> 
     <input id="B5_2" type="button" value="Button2" onClick="alert('Action 2')"> 
     <input id="B5_3" type="button" value="Button3" onClick="alert('Action 3')"> 
     <input id="B5_4" type="button" value="Button4" onClick="alert('Action 4')"> 
     <input id="B5_5" type="button" value="Button5" onClick="alert('Action 5')"> 


你好,請更新以下CSS和在你的代碼,它會任何你想要的js ..

$(function() { 
// Hide sub-menu: 
// Hide elements of the screen: 
$("#B3 th, #B3 td").hide(); 


// Hide/Display sub-menu once menu item is clicked: 
$(".mainlink").click(function() { 
\t $(".level1").css("background-color","green"); 
\t $(".level2").css("background-color","orange"); 
\t $(this).parent().css("background-color","red"); 
    \t $(this).parent("li").find(".subMenu").slideToggle("slow", function() { 
\t \t // Animation complete. 
\t }); 


// Hide/Display elements of the body of the screen once sub-menu item is clicked: 
// Request/Create 
$("#item1_1").click(function() { 
$(".subMenu li").css("background-color","orange"); 

// Request/Search 
$("#item1_2").click(function() { 
$(".subMenu li").css("background-color","orange"); 
// Folder/Report/Create folder 
$("#item2_1").click(function() { 
$(".subMenu li").css("background-color","orange"); 
// Folder/Report/Create report 
$("#item2_2").click(function() { 
$(".subMenu li").css("background-color","orange"); 
// Folder/Report/Search 
$("#item2_3").click(function() { 
$(".subMenu li").css("background-color","orange"); 
header { 
\t border-style: solid; 
\t margin: 0; 

footer { 
\t border-style: solid; 
\t margin: 0; 

#menu ul { 
\t display: block; 
    list-style-type: none; 
    padding: 0; 

#menu li { 
\t width: 10em; 
\t color: white; 
\t display: inline-block; 
\t float:left; 
\t width: 150px; 
\t height: 35px; 
\t line-height: 35px; \t 
\t text-align: center; 
\t border-right: 1px solid #bbb; 
\t border-top: 1px solid #bbb; 
\t background-color: green; 
\t /*padding: 14px 16px;*/ 

#menu li ul li{ 
\t padding: 7px 32px; 
\t width: auto; 
\t height: auto; 

#menu li:last-child { 
    border-right: none; 

#menu ul ul { 
\t flex-direction: column; 
\t padding: 0; 

#menu li li { 
\t background-color: orange; 


重疊,代碼段不適用於我 – goto

  1. 絕對位置的子菜單中,相對的#menu李
  2. 沒有更多的子菜單項,因爲點1


#main li {padding: 14px 16px; position:relative;} 
.subMenu {position:absolute;top:100%;left:0;}