// Fade an element down a little further.
fadeOut = function fadeOut(state) {
// Make fadeOut unavailable until the whole fade-out is finished.
fadeOut.isAvailableToRun = false;
// Update the distance moved and apply it to the element. (decrement to move down?)
state.distance += state.distanceIncrement;
state.element.style.top = state.distance + 'px'; //move up by pixels
// Update the opacity and apply it to the element.
state.opacity += state.opacityIncrement;
state.element.style.opacity = state.opacity;
//if opacity is > 0 , fade it out into the ethers
if (state.opacity > 0) {
// If the element is still showing, wait a bit and then continue fading it.
setTimeout(function() {
}, state.timeIncrement);
//contains values to use for fadeOut
cellClick = function (cell) {
distance: 0, // initial distance from start
distanceIncrement: 1, // number of pixels to move each timer tick
element: cell, // element to move and fade (cell, element passed as a parameter to the click cell function)
opacity: 1, // initial opacity
opacityIncrement: -0.01, // how much to fade each timer tick
pause: 1000, // milliseconds to pause after completed fade
timeIncrement: 10 // milliseconds for each timer tick
謝謝!我沒有意識到我'removeEventListener'存在,仍然非常新。仍然有問題得到它的工作,但我應該能夠弄清楚。 – user3335607
任何人在將來做某事,我用cell.onclick = null來修復它 – user3335607
這是一個聰明的方法來刪除它。 –