loop = 1
choice = 0 #holds the user choice for menu
while (loop == 1):
print ("Welcome to calci.py")
print ("your options are:")
print (" ")
print ("1. Addition")
print ("2. Subtraction")
print ("3. Multiplication")
print ("4. Division")
print ("5. Quit calculator.py")
print (" ")
choice = input("Choose your option: ")
if (choice == 1):
add1 = input("Add this: ")
add2 = input("to this: ")
print (add1, "+", add2, "=", add1 + add2)
elif (choice == 2):
sub2 = input("Subtract this: ")
sub1 = input("from this: ")
print (sub1, "-", sub2, "=", sub1 - sub2)
elif (choice == 3):
mul1 = input("Multiply this: ")
mul2 = input("with this: ")
print (mul1, "*", mul2, "=", mul1 * mul2)
elif (choice == 4):
div1 = input("Divide this: ")
div2 = input("by this: ")
print (div1, "/", div2, "=", div1/div2)
elif (choice == 5):
loop = 0
print ("Thankyou for using calci.py!")
「不工作」不是一個特定的問題。任何錯誤?是邏輯錯誤?你爲什麼這麼想?你傳遞了什麼值?你回來了什麼?你期望什麼?你到目前爲止如何解決這個問題? – Ben 2014-11-06 06:53:59
它爲我工作。請說明確切的錯誤/問題。 – 2014-11-06 06:54:36
這是Python 3還是2?如果這是Python 2,我看到你正在使用整數除法... – irrelephant 2014-11-06 06:54:38