2016-06-12 59 views

我一直在使用一個服務,返回一個數組裏面的數組和JSON文件。 第二層數組的問題是我似乎無法使用它。 的JSON看起來是這樣的:JSON與System.Web.Helpers中的多個圖層

    "section": "U.S.", 
    "subsection": "Politics", 
    "title": "To Understand Clinton’s Moment, Consider That It Came 32 Years After Ferraro’s", 
    "abstract": "A look back to when Geraldine A. Ferraro was on the Democratic ticket in 1984 can tell a lot about how the country has changed, and how it has not.", 
    "url": "urlLocation", 
    "byline": "By ALISON MITCHELL", 
    "item_type": "Article", 
    "updated_date": "2016-06-11T13:17:01-04:00", 
    "created_date": "2016-06-11T13:17:05-04:00", 
    "published_date": "2016-06-12T00:00:00-04:00", 
    "material_type_facet": "", 
    "kicker": "", 
    "des_facet": [ 
    "Presidential Election of 2016", 
    "Women and Girls" 
    "org_facet": [], 
    "per_facet": [ 
    "Clinton, Hillary Rodham", 
    "Ferraro, Geraldine A" 
    "geo_facet": [], 
    "multimedia": [ 
     "url": "urlLocation", 
     "format": "Standard Thumbnail", 
     "height": 75, 
     "width": 75, 
     "type": "image", 
     "subtype": "photo", 
     "caption": "Geraldine A. Ferraro at a hearing of the Democratic national convention’s platform committee in 1984, the year she became the first woman selected to be a major party’s vice presidential nominee.", 
     "copyright": "George Tames/The New York Times" 
     "url": "urlLocation", 
     "format": "thumbLarge", 
     "height": 150, 
     "width": 150, 
     "type": "image", 
     "subtype": "photo", 
     "caption": "Geraldine A. Ferraro at a hearing of the Democratic national convention’s platform committee in 1984, the year she became the first woman selected to be a major party’s vice presidential nominee.", 
     "copyright": "George Tames/The New York Times" 
     "url": "urlLocation", 
     "format": "Normal", 
     "height": 127, 
     "width": 190, 
     "type": "image", 
     "subtype": "photo", 
     "caption": "Geraldine A. Ferraro at a hearing of the Democratic national convention’s platform committee in 1984, the year she became the first woman selected to be a major party’s vice presidential nominee.", 
     "copyright": "George Tames/The New York Times" 
     "url": "urlLocation", 
     "format": "mediumThreeByTwo210", 
     "height": 140, 
     "width": 210, 
     "type": "image", 
     "subtype": "photo", 
     "caption": "Geraldine A. Ferraro at a hearing of the Democratic national convention’s platform committee in 1984, the year she became the first woman selected to be a major party’s vice presidential nominee.", 
     "copyright": "George Tames/The New York Times" 
     "url": "urlLocation", 
     "format": "superJumbo", 
     "height": 1364, 
     "width": 2048, 
     "type": "image", 
     "subtype": "photo", 
     "caption": "Geraldine A. Ferraro at a hearing of the Democratic national convention’s platform committee in 1984, the year she became the first woman selected to be a major party’s vice presidential nominee.", 
     "copyright": "George Tames/The New York Times" 
    "short_url": "urlLocation" 


NewsArticle newsArticle = new NewsArticle(); 
      newsArticle.category = data.results[counter].section; 
      newsArticle.title = data.results[counter].title; 
      newsArticle.fullText = data.results[counter][email protected]; 
      DynamicJsonArray multimedia = data.results[counter].multimedia; 
      newsArticle.image = multimedia[0].url; 

我得到一個「索引數組的範圍之外。」 「多媒體」陣列上的例外。我的語法有什麼問題嗎?


使用調試器,您可能沒有正確反序列化它。 –


什麼是代碼中的'counter'?請提供您用於反序列化JSON的代碼。 – rpeshkov


我正在使用Sytem.Web.Helper庫。在JSON文件的根目錄中給出了這個文件中有多少條目,我將它們存儲在計數器變量中。 – Deadwalker



服務的返回值似乎存在問題。第一個結果不包含該數組,這就是爲什麼我得到索引超出界限的例外。 謝謝奧廖爾Eraki!