class Node(object) :
def __init__(self, cargo = None, next = None) :
self.cargo = cargo
self.next = next
# Creates a new empty unbounded priority queue
class PriorityQueue :
def __init__(self) :
self.length = 0
self.head = None
self.last = None
# Returns a boolean value indicating whether the queue is empty
def isEmpty(self) :
return (self.length == 0)
# Returns the number of items currently in the queue
def __len__(self) :
return len(self.length)
# Adds the given item to the queue by inserting it in the proper position
# based on the given priority. The new node is appeneded to the end of the
# linked list
def enqueue(self, item, priority) :
newNode = Node(cargo)
newNode.next = None
if self.length == 0:
self.head self.last = newNode
newNode.next = self.head
self.head = newNode
self.last.next = newNode
self.last = newNode
temp = self.head
p = self.head.next
while p != None :
if p.cargo > newNode.cargo:
temp = temp.next
p = p.next
newNode.next = temp.next
temp.next = newNode
# Removes and returns the next item from the queue, which is the item with
# the highest priority. If two or more items have the same priority, those
# items are removed in FIFO order. An item cannot be dequeued from an
# empty queue. The linked list is searched to find the entry with the
# highest priority.
def dequeue(self) :
cargo = self.head.cargo
self.head = self.head.next
self.length = self.length - 1
if self.length == 0:
self.last = None
return cargo
# Returns a copy of the next item in the queue, without removing the item.
# The next item is the same value that would be returned by the dequeue
# operation. An item cannot be dequeued from an empty queue.
def peek(self) :
'回報self.head.cargo如果self.length其他None' – Shashank
@Shashank self.length別的什麼事?你是什麼意思? – lindsay
這應該有助於你理解它。 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/394809/does-python-have-a-ternary-conditional-operator – Shashank