$ pip search pyPdf
PyPDFLite - Simple PDF Writer.
pypdfocr - Converts a scanned PDF into an OCR'ed pdf using Tesseract-OCR and Ghostscript
pyPdf - PDF toolkit
PyPDF2 - PDF toolkit
pyjon.reports - Pyjon.Reports is a module bridging z3c.rml, genshi and pypdf together to provide a simple mean of creating templated pdf documents in python.
pypdf2xml - A reimplementation of pdftoxml in Python, using pdfMiner. Handles unicode characters better.
pypdflib - Pango Cairo based Python PDF Library
pypdf2table - PDF table extraction tool
$ pip install pyPdf
Downloading/unpacking pyPdf
Could not find any downloads that satisfy the requirement pyPdf
Some externally hosted files were ignored (use --allow-external pyPdf to allow).
Cleaning up...
No distributions at all found for pyPdf
Storing debug log for failure in /tmp/tmpgEc3B
我跑,你回答的命令。但是我有這個錯誤。 ConnectionError:HTTPConnectionPool(host ='stompstompstomp.com',port = 80):最大重試次數超過url:/ pyPdf /(由引起:[Errno -2]名稱或服務未知) '' 我在考慮改變與PyPdf有依賴關係的包。就像在我的項目xhtml2pdf或django-xhtml2pdf中一樣。 你可以建議其他軟件包做這個功能嗎? 感謝您的幫助! –
@LucasSimon,'pip install --allow-unverified ..'適用於我。參見[我剛錄製的截屏](https://asciinema.org/a/7845) – falsetru