2014-12-30 59 views


public List<String> getAuthorArticlesPercentageForCategory (String categoryText) { 
    /* in this query i count the articles in a spesific category*/ 
    Query q=em.createQuery("SELECT COUNT(ar) FROM Article ar WHERE ar.categoryId.categoryText=:categoryText") 
    .setParameter("categoryText", categoryText); 
    Long n=(Long)q.getSingleResult(); 
    /* in this query i found the authors and count the articles which they wrote in the spesific category */ 
    Query w=em.createQuery("SELECT ar.authorId.firstName,count(ar) FROM Article ar WHERE ar.categoryId.categoryText=:categoryText GROUP BY ar.authorId"); 
    w.setParameter("categoryText", categoryText); 
    List list1=w.getResultList(); 
    /*stop here i cant go on*/ 
    return list; 


名稱:(ar.authorId.firstName) ,類別(類別名稱),百分比(這必須從2query/n開始計數(ar))


那麼在獲得「n」時有什麼意義? –


n來自第一個查詢。這是來自特定類別的計數(文章)。我想查找每位作者發佈的文章的百分比 – palios7



您使用一個entitymanager對象。返回一個列表,使用q.getresultlist()。 然後迭代(String str:list1)等。