2016-11-09 28 views

我提出一些PDF文件在一個水平設計,下面的代碼:如何在每個PDFObject div上插入內容?

<!doctype html> 
<html lang="en"> 
    <meta charset="utf-8"> 
    <style type="text/css"> 
      width: 100%; 
      height: 800px; 
      /*overflow: auto;*/ 
      /*overflow-y: hidden;*/ 
      margin: 5 auto; 
      white-space: nowrap 

     .pdfobject-container { 
      /*width: 100%;*/ 
      max-width: 800px; 
      height: 800px; 
      margin: 5em 0; 
      display: inline; 
     .pdfobject { border: solid 1px #666; max-width: 40%;} 

    <div id='scrolly'> 
     <div id="pdf1" ></div> 
     <div id="pdf2" ></div> 
     <div id="pdf3" ></div> 

<script src="PDFObject-master/pdfobject.js"></script> 

PDFObject.embed("../../overleaf/a/report.pdf", "#pdf1", {pdfOpenParams:{toolbar: '0'}, page: '1'}); 
PDFObject.embed("../../overleaf/b/report.pdf", "#pdf2", {pdfOpenParams:{toolbar: '0'}, page: '2'}); 
PDFObject.embed("../../overleaf/c/report.pdf", "#pdf3", {pdfOpenParams:{toolbar: '0'}, page: '3'}); 
// PDFObject.embed("../../overleaf/d/report.pdf", "#pdf4", options); 
// PDFObject.embed("../../overleaf/e/report.pdf", "#pdf5", options); 




附上每個DIV1,DIV2ñDIV3在你的HTML另一位家長的div? – Lucky


我很新手,完整的答案將非常感謝:) – KcFnMi




// each pdf must have a heading stored in the array headings 
var headings = ["This is the heading for pdf1", "This is the heading for pdf2", "This is the heading for pdf3"] 
//get all pdfs container 
all_pdf = document.getElementById("scrolly").children; 
//loop through and change innerHTML of pdf 
for (var x = 0; x < all_pdf.length; ++x) { 
    all_pdf[x].innerHTML = "<h1>" + headings[x] + "</h1>" + all_pdf[x].innerHTML; 
<!doctype html> 
<html lang="en"> 

    <meta charset="utf-8"> 
    <style type="text/css"> 
    #scrolly { 
     width: 100%; 
     height: 800px; 
     /*overflow: auto;*/ 
     /*overflow-y: hidden;*/ 
     margin: 5 auto; 
     white-space: nowrap 
    .pdfobject-container { 
     /*width: 100%;*/ 
     max-width: 800px; 
     height: 800px; 
     margin: 5em 0; 
     display: inline; 
    .pdfobject { 
     border: solid 1px #666; 
     max-width: 40%; 


    <div id='scrolly'> 
    <div id="pdf1">PDF details1</div> 
    <div id="pdf2">PDF details2</div> 
    <div id="pdf3">PDF details3</div> 

    <script src="PDFObject-master/pdfobject.js"></script> 


我應該在哪裏放第一個片段? – KcFnMi


而不僅僅是每個PDF div上的一些文本,讓我們想插入另一個html頁面,這可能嗎? – KcFnMi


複製所有JavaScript代碼並將其放置在腳本標記中。腳本標籤可以放置在body標籤的底部..也可以插入另一個html頁面而不是標頭......這種方法雖然不同,但是......網絡資源? – repzero