2012-10-04 183 views

!in_array use in PHP - conditional statmentsin_array()無法正常運行



while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { 

    $item = $row['item']; 
    echo $item . '<br />'; // for testing 
    $items[] = $row['item']; 
    if (!in_array($item, $items)) { 

     $output[] = $row; 

     foreach ($items as $item) { 
      echo 'Array thus far: ' . $item . '<br />'; // for testing 


陣列基本上我想在數組中沒有重複。測試代碼應該最終打印1,2,3,4,5 ..但它實際上打印出1,2,3,3,4,5 in_array()函數似乎不工作在這裏與變量?


Array thus far: Avengers 
Array thus far: Avengers 
Array thus far: Avengers 
American Dad! 
Array thus far: Avengers 
Array thus far: Avengers 
Array thus far: American Dad! 
American Dad! 
Array thus far: Avengers 
Array thus far: Avengers 
Array thus far: American Dad! 
Array thus far: American Dad! 
Christopher Columbus 
Array thus far: Avengers 
Array thus far: Avengers 
Array thus far: American Dad! 
Array thus far: American Dad! 
Array thus far: Christopher Columbus 
Array thus far: Avengers 
Array thus far: Avengers 
Array thus far: American Dad! 
Array thus far: American Dad! 
Array thus far: Christopher Columbus 
Array thus far: Avatar 
Kung Pao Chicken 
Array thus far: Avengers 
Array thus far: Avengers 
Array thus far: American Dad! 
Array thus far: American Dad! 
Array thus far: Christopher Columbus 
Array thus far: Avatar 
Array thus far: Kung Pao Chicken 
The Brak Show 
Array thus far: Avengers 
Array thus far: Avengers 
Array thus far: American Dad! 
Array thus far: American Dad! 
Array thus far: Christopher Columbus 
Array thus far: Avatar 
Array thus far: Kung Pao Chicken 
Array thus far: The Brak Show 
Array thus far: Avengers 
Array thus far: Avengers 
Array thus far: American Dad! 
Array thus far: American Dad! 
Array thus far: Christopher Columbus 
Array thus far: Avatar 
Array thus far: Kung Pao Chicken 
Array thus far: The Brak Show 
Array thus far: Avengers 
The Brak Show 
Array thus far: Avengers 
Array thus far: Avengers 
Array thus far: American Dad! 
Array thus far: American Dad! 
Array thus far: Christopher Columbus 
Array thus far: Avatar 
Array thus far: Kung Pao Chicken 
Array thus far: The Brak Show 
Array thus far: Avengers 
Array thus far: The Brak Show 
Space Ghost: Coast to Coast 
Array thus far: Avengers 
Array thus far: Avengers 
Array thus far: American Dad! 
Array thus far: American Dad! 
Array thus far: Christopher Columbus 
Array thus far: Avatar 
Array thus far: Kung Pao Chicken 
Array thus far: The Brak Show 
Array thus far: Avengers 
Array thus far: The Brak Show 
Array thus far: Space Ghost: Coast to Coast 
Battlestar Galactica (2004) 
Array thus far: Avengers 
Array thus far: Avengers 
Array thus far: American Dad! 
Array thus far: American Dad! 
Array thus far: Christopher Columbus 
Array thus far: Avatar 
Array thus far: Kung Pao Chicken 
Array thus far: The Brak Show 
Array thus far: Avengers 
Array thus far: The Brak Show 
Array thus far: Space Ghost: Coast to Coast 
Array thus far: Battlestar Galactica (2004) 
Array thus far: Avengers 
Array thus far: Avengers 
Array thus far: American Dad! 
Array thus far: American Dad! 
Array thus far: Christopher Columbus 
Array thus far: Avatar 
Array thus far: Kung Pao Chicken 
Array thus far: The Brak Show 
Array thus far: Avengers 
Array thus far: The Brak Show 
Array thus far: Space Ghost: Coast to Coast 
Array thus far: Battlestar Galactica (2004) 
Array thus far: Potstickers 
Array thus far: Avengers 
Array thus far: Avengers 
Array thus far: American Dad! 
Array thus far: American Dad! 
Array thus far: Christopher Columbus 
Array thus far: Avatar 
Array thus far: Kung Pao Chicken 
Array thus far: The Brak Show 
Array thus far: Avengers 
Array thus far: The Brak Show 
Array thus far: Space Ghost: Coast to Coast 
Array thus far: Battlestar Galactica (2004) 
Array thus far: Potstickers 
Array thus far: Potstickers 
Array thus far: Avengers 
Array thus far: Avengers 
Array thus far: American Dad! 
Array thus far: American Dad! 
Array thus far: Christopher Columbus 
Array thus far: Avatar 
Array thus far: Kung Pao Chicken 
Array thus far: The Brak Show 
Array thus far: Avengers 
Array thus far: The Brak Show 
Array thus far: Space Ghost: Coast to Coast 
Array thus far: Battlestar Galactica (2004) 
Array thus far: Potstickers 
Array thus far: Potstickers 
Array thus far: Avatar 



@KickingLettuce:爲什麼你再次問同樣的問題? (感謝jeroen的領導) – Jon




while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { 
    $item = $row['item']; 
    echo $item . '<br />'; // for testing 
    if (!in_array($item, $items)) { 
     $output[] = $row; 
     foreach ($items as $item) { 
      echo 'Array thus far: ' . $item . '<br />'; // for testing 
     $items[] = $row['item']; 


while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { 
    $item = $row['item']; 
    echo $item . '<br />'; // for testing 
    if (!in_array($item, $output)) { 
     $output[] = $row; 
     foreach ($items as $item) { 
      echo 'Array thus far: ' . $item . '<br />'; // for testing 

這工作謝謝!我正在按順序做事。 – KickingLettuce


