2017-01-24 39 views

我有一個tableView單元格由UIStackViews填充,按鈕作爲arrangeSubviews,這是用幾個函數創建的。 stackView中的頂視圖是可見的,所有其他視圖都是隱藏的,頂視圖中的按鈕有一個動作,當其它視圖調用時,它應該在可見和隱藏之間切換。如何在UIStackView中切換arrangeSubviews的可見性,那是在一個tableViewCell swift3

func generateButtons() -> [[UIButton]]{ 
    var topButtonArray = [UIButton]() 
    var finalButtonArray = [[UIButton]]() 

    for title in array1 { 
     topButtonArray.append(createButton(title: title , action: "buttonPressed")) 

    for button in topButtonArray { 
     var buttonArray = [UIButton]() 


     for title in array2 { 
      buttonArray.append(createButton(title: title, action: "moveOn")) 
    return finalButtonArray 

func generateStackViews() -> [UIStackView] { 
     stackViewArray = [UIStackView]() 
     let finalButtonArray = generateButtons() 

     for buttons in finalButtonArray{ 
      stackViewArray.append(createStackView(subViews: buttons)) 

     for stackView in stackViewArray{ 
      let views = stackView.arrangedSubviews 
      let hiddenViews = views[1..<views.count] 
      for views in hiddenViews{ 
      views.isHidden = true 
    return stackViewArray 

func buttonPressed(){ 
    //let stackViewArray = generateStackViews() 
    for stackView in stackViewArray{ 
     let views = stackView.arrangedSubviews 
     let hiddenViews = views[1..<views.count] 
     for view in hiddenViews { 
      if view.isHidden == true{showViews(view: view)} else{hideViews(view: view)} 



func showViews(view : UIView){ 
    UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.3) { 
     view.isHidden = false 


func hideViews(view : UIView) { 
    UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.2) { 
     view.isHidden = true 


override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell { 
     let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: "First")! 
     let stackViewArray = generateStackViews() 

    return cell 

現在什麼情況是,只在最後一個單元格中隱藏的觀點是可見的,隱藏的(無論我點擊哪個單元)之間進行切換 - 我想我需要實例上的所有細胞中來回切換,但我不能找出一個方法來做到這一點。

另一個問題是,我想要一個頂視圖只在其單元格中打開隱藏的視圖,我想我需要在'cellForRowAt indexPath'以外以某種方式使用indexPath.row。




不是完全重寫你的代碼片段(暗示通過故事板設置了一些視圖,但除了沒有故事板的代碼沒有太大區別,你還需要覆蓋單元格的init並設置子視圖) ,但這裏有一個你可以調查的出發點:

class StackViewCell: UITableViewCell { 

    // these could be set up in code in the `init` method if 
    // you don't want to use storyboards 
    @IBOutlet var stackView: UIStackView! 
    @IBOutlet var toggleButton: UIButton! 

    var optionButtons: [UIButton] = [] { 
     didSet { 
      for button in optionButtons { 
       button.isHidden = optionsAreHidden 

    // iterates over buttons to change hidden property based on `optionsAreHidden` property 
    var optionsAreHidden: Bool = true { 
     didSet { 
      optionButtons.forEach({ $0.isHidden = optionsAreHidden }) 

    @IBAction func toggleButtonPressed(button: UIButton) { 
     optionsAreHidden = !optionsAreHidden 

    // set up stackview and toggle button here if not setting up in storyboard 
    //init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) { } 




class OptionsViewController: UITableViewController { 

    func generateOptionsButtons() -> [UIButton] { 
     // create and return buttons for a cell 
     // potentially move this into `StackViewCell` too... 

    override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell { 
     let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: "StackViewCellIdentifier", for: indexPath) 

     if let stackViewCell = cell as? StackViewCell { 
      stackViewCell.optionButtons = generateOptionsButtons() 

     return cell 