2014-09-10 92 views

無法使用getElementById(「VAL5」+ i)。 然後輸入3不運行無法使用getElementById



/* DigitalInput */

指數= input2_offs 爲(i = 0; i < 4; i ++) getElementById(「VAL5」+ i).src = valueArray [input2_offs [i]] ==「0」? 'GIF/dot_red.gif': 'GIF/dot_gr.gif'


enter code here 


var req = null; 
req = AjaxInit(); 
var PostBuffer = new Array; 

var Trace; 

/* number of channels per sensor input type */ 
var InputChannels = 4; /* max 4 digital inputs   */ 

var names = new Array(); 
var units = new Array(); 
var offs = new Array(); 
var gain = new Array(); 
var value = new Array(); 

var input2_offs = 25; 
var input3_offs = 26; 

    this function is called on body load and later every 5s 
    request a new set of data from the controller 
function UpDate() 
    var x = Math.random()*1000; /* add random number to the url to avoid caching the content in the browser */ 
    return false; 

    call back routine when the controller has send the data 
    this function separates all items in separate arrays as : 
    names, units, offsets , gains and the raw values 
function UpdateTraceBuffers() 

    Trace = req.responseText.split('\n'); 
    names = Trace[TraceNameOffs].split(','); 
    units = Trace[TraceUnitOffs].split(','); 
    offs = Trace[TraceOffs].split(','); 
    gain = Trace[TraceGain].split(','); 
    value = Trace[TraceDataoffs].split(','); 
    UpdateWebSite();       /* user routine , update all items */ 
    if(timerHandle == 0) 
     timerHandle = window.setInterval("UpDate()", 5000); 

/* DigitalInput */ 

    index = input2_offs; 
    getElementById("VAL5"+i).src = valueArray[input2_offs[i]] == "0" ? 'gif/dot_red.gif' : 'gif/dot_gr.gif'; 

    index = input3_offs; 
    v = (parseFloat(offs[index]) + parseFloat(gain[index])* parseFloat(value[index])).toFixed(0); 
      getElementById("SENS_VAL6").innerHTML = v; 


<td class="mytd"><div align="center"><img src="gif/dot_red.gif" 
width="24" height="24" id="VAL5"></div></td> 
<td id="SENS_VAL6" class="mytd" align="right">&nbsp;</td> 

它是'document.getElementById',不只是'getElementBId' – entropic 2014-09-10 20:20:43


您可能需要重新格式化這個...您的getElementById函數不在腳本塊內。 – aggietech 2014-09-10 20:21:45

