2013-11-23 141 views

我正在實現使用POSIX共享內存和未命名信號量的客戶端服務器。期望服務器同時處理多個客戶端。該代碼適用於單個客戶端,但不適用於多個客戶端。 POSIX的操作與管理,posix爲多個客戶端共享內存

enum { MAX_MSG = 256 }; 
enum { CLIENT_SEM,   // semaphore is 1 if server is available for use by client  
     MSG_FOR_DAEMON_SEM, // semaphore is 1 if shm contains msg for daemon  
     MSG_FOR_CLIENT_SEM, // semaphore is 1 if shm contains msg for client  
     MSG_FOR_SERVER_SEM, // semaphore is 1 if shm contains msg for server  
     N_SEMS }; 

typedef struct {  
    sem_t sems[N_SEMS]; // semaphore sent for sync 
    pid_t clientPid; // pid of current client  
    char msg[MAX_MSG]; // current message being sent  
    int max_matrix_size; //max rows a square matrix can have 

// server calls setup_comm with doCreate=1 and creates shared mem of size max_clients * sizeof(Comm) 
// client calls setup_comm with doCreate=0 and in return gets the mmap pointer to the shared memory created by the server 
Comm* setup_comm(const char *shmPosixName, int doCreate, int max_clients); 




