- 輸入員工姓名到一個列表。
- 輸入員工在輸入姓名後的工資。
- 將清單中的工資總計爲(2個清單:名稱[]和薪水[])。
- 找到合計後的平均工資。
- 打印平均薪水在5,000美元以內(我卡住的地方)的員工。
# function to total the salaries entered into the "newSalary" variable and "salaries[]".
def totalSalaries(salaries):
total = 0
for i in salaries:
total += i
return total
# Finds the average salary after adding and dividing salaries in "salaries[]".
def averageSalaries(salaries):
l = len(salaries)
t = totalSalaries(salaries)
ave = t/l
return ave
# Start main
def main():
# Empty names list for "name" variable.
names = []
# Empty salaries list for "salary" and "newSalary" variables.
salaries = []
# Starts the loop to input names and salaries.
done = False
while not done:
name = input("Please enter the employee name or * to finish: ")
salary = float(input("Please enter the salary in thousands for " + name + ": "))
# Try/except to catch exceptions if a float isn't entered.
# The float entered then gets converted to thousands if it is a float.
s = float(salary)
# Message to user if a float isn't entered.
print("Please enter a valid float number.")
done = False
newSalary = salary * 1000
# Break in the loop, use * to finish inputting Names and Salaries.
if name == "*":
done = True
# Appends the names into name[] and salaries into salaries[] if * isn't entered.
# Restarts loop afterwards if * is not entered.
# STUCK HERE. Need to output Names + their salaries if it's $5,000 +- the total average salary.
for i in range(len(salaries)):
if newSalary is 5000 > ave < 5000:
print(name + ", " + str(newSalary))
# Quick prints just to check my numbers after finishing with *.
這裏有很多錯誤。首先,如果你想在該函數之外使用它,你需要在某處存儲來自averageSalaries的返回值。 –
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